America vs. Syria By Brian Medrano Pd: 2
-Syria is located in the Middle East/west Asia -it is surrounded by Turkey, Iraq, and Jordan -Syria also boarders Lebanon -Syria's capital is Damascus
87% of the population of Syria are Muslim(74% Sunni, 13% Shia), the rest are 10% Christian and 3% Druze 90% Percent of the total population, the rest are Kurds, Assyrians/Syriacs, Armenians, Circassians, and Syrian Turkmen Male dominated in protests
The purpose for these protests are to overthrow the Ba’ath Party who. Their current leader Bashar Al Assad, who his political party has been in power for more then 30 years Ba’ath had banned all opposing party candidates to run for presidential elections
Since 1963, Syria had passed an emergency law that pretty much took away all constitutional rights from its citizens. Gave security forces a large amount of power. Basher had failed to improve Human rights for its citizens since he came to power
Most males that are in the crowds of protesters are unemployed Since Al-Assad was in power, the rates of job opportunities slowly declined while the need for jobs increased
This is similar to the American revolution because both protesters are against the parties that they are being governed by. Both felt that the government were being unfair and treated its people in an unfair manner. Both had their own “loyalists” and “patriots”
Communications and technology are must more advanced in the Syrian Revolution then then American Revolution. Thus having news spread faster and uniting people outside the country.
I believe that the people of Syria will have a rocky long road ahead of them if they succeed to overthrow Ba’ath The people of Syria will go through many drastic changes to the government and will often have to change it If they have a form of “checks and balances”, then the Syrian people might actually have a chance to improve its situation
van Dam, Nikolaos (1979). "The Struggle for Power in Syria: Sectarianism, Regionalism and Tribalism in Politics". I B Tauris. "Syria: 'Armed gangs' killed 120". The Seattle Times. 6 June Retrieved 15 August "Syria: 'Armed gangs' killed 120" Draft Reform Law in Syria Fails to Mollify Protesters. Nada Bakri. July 25, 2011