Small Arms Depot Reconciliation Anniston Distribution Depot (DDAA) has small arms storage mission for Army and Air Force DoD R requires annual reconciliation. Army in full compliance since 1997 Air Force (AF) is not in compliance 94,345 AF weapons received by DDAA in 1995; not sight verified. $2.1 million dollar sight verification SOW
Plan of Action Air Force Security Command identified 71,206 small arms as potential excess DSS System changes February 2007 AF has not – POM’d For Sight Verification Without funding, sight verification is done as part of disposal process only. DLA HQ looked into other alternatives –AF Combat Logistics Support Squadron AF sporadically dropping 1500 lines per week for DDAA filler work.
Where We Are Today As of June 9, ,529 Total AF small arms at DDAA 29% of items identified as excess have been disposed. Joint sight verification by DDC and Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) DDC process ship transaction to AFEMS DRMO process Receipt transaction to AFEMS Periodic Records match shows improvements, but no reconciliation.