Existing committees on the Environment The Bahamas has several inter-agency committees that have the responsibility of making necessary recommendations to the government for all environmental matters and ensuring the protection and proper management of the Natural environment and physical landscape of The Bahamas: They include: The National Biodiversity Committee: assists with the execution and implementation of environmental projects funded by the GEF under the Convention on Biodiversity The National Wetlands Committee: executes and implements projects as mandated by the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands for which the Bahamas is a signatory
The National Coastal Awareness Committee: focused on coastal zone management for the protection and conservation of our coastal areas The National Science and Technology Committee: their executing agency is the Min. of Education. Their function is straight forward but very Education based. The National Docks Committee: responsible for ensuring sustainable development of Marinas, docks and waterways throughout the Bahamas
The National Climate Change Committee: addresses all climate change matters related to The Bahamas and as guided by the UNCCC- United Nations Convention on Climate Change for which The Bahamas is a signatory. National Coordinating Committee on (POPs) Persistent Organic Pollutants The National Blue Flag Committee: ensure that the marinas across the Bahamas adhere to the regulations that govern Blue Flag's International Standard for marinas around the world.
The National Grounding Committee: Deals with all matters related to shipwrecks, and derelict marine vessels contaminating our waters and destroying valuable coral reef systems and marine ecosystems. National Oil Spill Contingency Advisory Committee: addresses all matters related to oil-spills that happen within The Bahamas- in our waters and in land. (NEMA) National Emergency Management Agency- Gives aide before, during and after extreme natural disasters, storms and weather conditions occur Each of these Committees consist of members with expertise in each instance. Members are selected from across Government sector and in some instances Non Government Agencies have representation on these committees and play a huge role in helping us carry out our mandates. The BEST Commission is involved in all of these committees.
DATA COLLECTED Data is collected from these various groups and other data sources such as Census, Government Industries, Trade etc. The first comprehensive publication due to be published by end of April
CHALLENGES Lack of particular types of data e.g.. Data on types of waste and waste management etc. Recent data is lacking on a number of areas. Lack of humane and financial resources Environmental statistics put under the National Accts Section which has many other responsibilities.
FUTURE PLANS Update the indicators currently being provided. Expand the publication