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Welcome to Social Studies Today is 01/06/10
Factors Leading to European Exploration
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Exploring the Americas
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Presentation transcript:


INTRODUCTION This Chapter is about the encounters between the Europeans and the people of the Americas between 15 th and 17 th centuries.

AMERICA Before the discovery of America it was thought that civilization developed mainly in Africa, Asia and Europe . With the Voyages of Columbus a whole new world was opened. In 1492 Columbus discovered the Islands of Eastern Bahamas. Soon this Voyage let to the expedition of conquests and exploration of America.

AMERICA For Spain this meant expansion of its territories and the use of natural resources of the new world but ,for the native people of America it marked the beginning of the destruction of their Civilization and the death of over whelming majority of the population.


AMERICA People have been living in North and South America and nearby Islands for thousands of Years. South America was densely forested. Amazon flows through these dense forests. In Mexico in Central America there were densely settled areas of habitation.

EUROPE Some Europeans ventured out on unknown Oceans to find out trading routes (for spices and silver) Spanish and Portuguese were the first one

in 1492. He thought he had reached “The Indies” (India COLUMBUS An Italian sponsored by the rulers of Spain sailed West in 1492. He thought he had reached “The Indies” (India and countries east of India ) about which he had read in the travels of Marco Polo. In 1492, explorer Christopher Columbus set sail to search for a quicker sea route to Asia. The Spanish king and queen, Ferdinand V and Isabella, paid for his ships, crew, and supplies. Here, Columbus says goodbye to Ferdinand and Isabella as he leaves on his journey.