Giovanni Da Verrazano Jordan.M.Davis MS.WHITFIELD JAN.21-09
Giovanni Da Verrazano :He was born in 1485 Florence, Italy. :Verrazano”s family was very wealthy when he was born. :He is the son of Piers, Andréa Da Verrazano and Fiammetta Camellia. :His date of death was 1525 Bahamas, Florida.
Giovanni Da Verrazano :He was exploring to the U.S.A but for Spain.
Giovanni Da Verrazano My explorer's voyage was on to the East coast of America. A big piece of The East coast part of America was unexplored. So Verrazano”s king set him on a voyage to explore and claim a part of the East coast.
Important Facts Verrazano was a navigator; who made numerous voyages to eastern Mediteranean Seas and, in 1523, he was invited by King of France to explore an area between Florida and Terranova in order to find an all-water route through the newly found Americas to the Pacific Ocean.
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