The Caribbean is near North America and South America. The Caribbean also borders a few waterways such as the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The Caribbean is in the Northern and Western hemisphere. The Caribbean is made from islands. They are divided into sections and are owned by the French, Americans, and the United Kingdoms. These sections are, the Lesser Antilles,- which includes but does not limit to- the Virgin Islands (U.S.), the Virgin Islands (U.K.), and Anquilla (U.K.). The Great Antilles: Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. The Bahamas which mainly are the Bahamas Islands. Caribbean By: Alexandra Gaboury
The Caribbean Islands The islands are split up into the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas.
Climate Warm, tropical, and sunny 75 degrees or warmer Some islands get rain everyday. Other islands get very little rainfall. Many hurricanes The ocean breeze cools many people off (slight breeze)
Vegetation and Biomes Mountains Volcanoes Beaches Swamps Shrubs, grasses, cacti Flowers: hibiscus, orchid, poinsettia Palm, citrus, and evergreen trees Tropical rainforests Coral Reefs The vegetation in the Caribbean can be dried or lush.
Landforms The Caribbean is made up of islands Highest mountain is Duarte Peak, 10,414 feet high Volcano named La Soufriere named sulfur Slopes Plains
Waterways Inland rivers Many harbors Marshland By the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
Natural Recourses Lobsters, fish, crabs Oil Pitch-pitch lakes– tar- Mining Land They grow: sugar cane, yams, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, cocoa, coffee and tobacco A coral reef that shows the natural resources of fish.
Population Density Population: about 43 million In world’s most populated area ¼ lives in Cuba 65% lives in urban areas 35% lives in rural areas Biggest city is Havana, Cuba A harbor in Anquilla
Fast Facts Christopher Columbus called them the West Indies Hispaniola is split into two countries; Haiti and the Dominican Republic Most people descended from Africans Most people speak Spanish Many places own the Caribbean islands
Sources o Woldbookonlin o o West Indies by David Flint o Looking at the Caribbean by Jillian Powell o Cuba by Kieran Walsh