What is it???!! Injuries include: Intentional harm eg suicide, Unintentional harm eg falls, drowning, burns and transported related accidents. Injuries can cause death or a range of physical, cognitive and psychological disabilities and reduce quality of life. 4 main types: Falls in order people. Falls in children. Drowning or near drowning. Poisoning in children.
Reasons for selection?! They are the main cause of death in people aged under 45 and are a major healthcare cost. Injuries are also highly preventable and can be prevented through effective prevention strategies. Injury accounted for 1 in 20 hospitalisations in It accounts for 70% of deaths in year olds. Leading causes of injury related deaths for children were drowning, transport related (pedestrians and cyclists) and interpersonal violence.
Risk Factors- Biological Biological: Age: The age of an individual can be a risk factor for certain injuries. Sex: Males tend to be at a greater risk of injury than women.
Behavioural Alcohol consumption: Consuming alcohol at risky levels increases the risk of injury in the short term.
Social Occupation: Some occupations are more dangerous than others, eg scaffolding, builder, coal miner.
Health promotion program Arrive Alive campaign Aim is to reduce the road trauma, deliver further improvements to our road system and improve road safety It builds on the Safe System approach. The victorian government aims to reduce the death and serious injuries toll by 30%, saving 100 lives. Preventing 2000 serious injuries.
HOW??!! This will be delivered by Road Improvements, reducing the major types of traffic crashes and delivering the greatest road safety benefits.