Social Marketing and Advocacy
Public Health Approach Define the Problem Identify Risk Factors Find what Prevents the Problem Implement & Evaluate Programs Data, Community Background Conceptual Models Effective Strategies Planning, Action, Evaluation, Marketing, Advocacy Adapted From: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC
Social Marketing Uses many of the tools of commercial marketing. “Sells” behaviors that benefit both the individual and society.
The Classic “4 Ps” of Marketing Product Price Promotion Place
The three most important things in Social Marketing 1.the audience 2.the audience; and 3.the audience
Social Marketing Four Key Steps: 1.Understand Your Audience and Customers 2.Set Priorities 3.Assess Resources 4.Monitor and Evaluate
Understand Your Audiences and Customers How can we segment and get to know our audience? Physical Behavioral Demographics Attitudes and Beliefs
Set Priorities Based on Your Understanding of Your Audiences and Customers It is critical to develop your marketing program to access your targeted audience.
Assess Resources Conduct a thorough inventory: What you already have What you need What you will develop
Monitor and Evaluate M anage your program by continuously monitoring and altering your interventions as needed to reach your targeted audiences.
An Example of Marketing an Injury Program: Float Coat Promotion in Rural Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation
Comparison of Alaskan Drowning Rates Per 100,000 Population Source: State of Alaska, 1991
Sex of Native Drowning Victims YK Delta
Seasonal Drowning YK Delta N = 185
Personal Flotation Device Use Alaska Commercial Fishing Incidents Involving at Least One Drowning, Source: National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
The Classic “Float Coat” Boring!
So What Should We Do? Build a Coalition Assess the Audience/Customers Make Marketing Plan
Marketing/Promotion Quality Product Customize for Culture Targeted Distribution Incentives Publicity Evaluation
Promotional Ideas Discount Coupons Raffles and Prizes Incentive Awards
3 Year Average Crude Death Rates YK Delta vs. All-Alaska (The Harvest) YK Starts PFD Program YK Delta All Alaskan 43% Reduction Per 100,000