AS Media Studies Shape Up and Initial Assessment Session 3
Who am I? – Film Stars Choose a film star and write their name on the post- it WITHOUT LETTING ANYONE ELSE SEE IT. Stick the post-it on your partner’s forehead. You need to guess who is on your head by asking questions that narrow down the possibilities. E.g. am I male? Am I an action film star? Am I an American film actor? Your partner can only answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to your questions. You have 10 minutes to see if you can both guess who you are! If you have time – have another go!
Homework Check Organise folder – get your folders out whilst I check they are organised! Follow us on Twitter – did you? Write up your genre analysis notes – get these out and put them on the desk.
Objectives To identify aspects of how narratives work in media products. To analyse and make notes on the narrative of an audio-visual media text.
What is narrative and how does it work in media products? Narrative is the technical name for “story” and narrative theory looks at how we, as a culture, tell certain stories in a particular way. There are a variety of approaches to analysing narrative and a variety of theories that can be applied.
Group Tasks – Sharing Narrative Information Read the information you have been given about narrative theory and conventions. Discuss them in your groups and come up with at least 1 example that is different to the examples given. Become experts. Use the handout to make notes on the information and be prepared to explain it to other groups. Use the handout to make notes on the areas that others explain to you.
Analysing the opening sequence of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Individual Task Using the grid and guideline questions on the back of your narrative handout, make notes on the narrative structure and development of the opening sequence of the film.
Plenary – 8 Squares Fold your paper up into 8 squares Write down 1 point that you have made about narrative. Complete the 8 squares with points from other people in the room. Try to get points from 7 different people. Make a note of any points that you haven’t got on your handout.
French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard “A story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end, but not necessarily in that order.” What type of narrative structure?
Homework Complete your notes analysing the narrative of the opening sequence. Write up your analysis notes so that you have words for your initial assessment. Complete other homework if not yet complete – following the Twitter page, accessing Moodle resources, organising folder…