They lived in a land with rolling hills Upper part the Tigris river Northern Mesopotamia Lower part of Zap river Rich and fertile land – Grew Crops Rich corn crops – Made mud bricks There were many rivers around them
Time Period BCE: – 2000 BCE- Beginning of Assyrian Empire – 1765 BCE- Code of Hammurabi is made – 752 BCE- Aramaic is made: Official language of Assyria and Akkadia – 605 BCE- End of Assyrian Empire
Known for there trading – Traded donkeys – Traded caravans Fighting – Warlike – Trying to conquer new lands Art Making big building – Cover the big buildings in art The art were demons trying to protect them from evil influences
Reputation: - Gained reputation during BCE -Very crude and brutal people -Liked torturing people in conquered cities -Controlled empire by violence and terror
ASSYRIAN RULERS: Sargon II: BCE – Conquered Kingdom of Samaria – Made policy to send conquered people to different parts of his empire Assur Banipal: BCE – Built the Library of Nineveh – Conquered the City Tyre in Egypt
ART Spiritual and complex Vide variety of Styles Reflected society and emotions of the people Mainly depicted wars, battles, or kings
They were always in war with each other Military camp – Royal canopy in the center of it – Kings face is usually shown 1200 BCE – Assyrian umpire conquers Babylon All Babylon people moved to a different part of the city – The Assyrians' worried about the Babylon god Marduk They rebuilt the city and left
It was their capital 600 BCE, last Assyrian king assigned project It was a library – Clay tablets of ancient Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyrian – 30,000 tablets were discovered – The tablets are the most important knowledge from Assyrians’
Burial Ceremonies Other city-states would bury bodies in cemeteries, jars, or the desert The Assyrians did not believe in the “Busy Afterlife” – Would dig the poor in or under houses – Would dig the rich in rooms just for the dead Oil lamps would always be burning next to the graves.