Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This week: Esther Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself … And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures Luke 24:27,45
16 yrs Zedekiah Babylonian Captivity Judah taken captive 586bc 536 bc 1 st Return Under Zerubbabel 458 bc 2 nd Return Under Ezra 445 bc 3rd Return Under Nehemiah Ezra 1- 6 Ezra 7-10 Esther 42 yrs 142 yrs 92 yrs 14 yrs
Persian Empire INDEX Persian Empire PersianEmpire Israel Egypt Mediterranean Shushan
IRAN IRAQ SYRIA Jordan SHUSHAN Babylon Israel Modern Day Map Saudi Arabia
NAME Date B.C. Persian NameBible NameBible Background Cyrus KoorushCyrusIsaiah 45, Daniel, Ezra 1-3 Cambysses CambujiehAhasruerusEzra 4-6 Pseudo Smerdis521Berooyeh DoroughiArtaxerxesEzra 4:7-23 Darius the Great DarryooshDariusEzra 5,6 Xerxes KhashayarshahAhasurerusEsther 1-10 Artaxerxes I Ardeshier Deraz DastArtaxerxesNehemiah , Ezra 7-10 Persian Rulers
The Feast of Esther!