INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Fall 2002 HEPN Working Group Goal #8 Update Grid Operations Center James Williams Indiana University
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Fall 2002 HENP WG Goal #8 Work with the network engineering staffs of the US and global research networks to help define the requirements and operational procedures for a Global Grid Operations Center, and mission-specific Grid Operations Centers as needed, so that the ensemble of research networks is able to work efficiently and provide the high level of capability required. Perhaps this of needs a bit of revision
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Fall 2002 Virtual Organizations and VO Support and the iVDGL iVDGL is a Virtual Organization iVDGL supports other VOs (ATLAS, LIGO, SDSS, CMS,…) VO support is the primary function of the iGOC
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Fall 2002 VO Support drives all iGOC functions Information who belongs to a VO; how do you participate in a particular VO; what resources are a part of the VO? Services Who is my VO RA?; how can I get my VO CA(s)? How do I access VO resources? Administration status of my VO job; VO resource tracking/management (change management)
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Fall 2002 iVDGL VO support updates iVDGL and iGOC web sites updated – VO information service TT system in place – VO administrative service GIIS installed at IU – VO service function CA/RA function in place – VO administrative function
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Fall 2002 iVDGL at SC2002 iVDGL demos at the FermiLab and Argonne booths iGOC/iVDGL demo at the Indiana booth (Research Indiana) Demo web site at
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Fall 2002 Working together The iVDGL Laboratory Operations WG is anxious to work with other groups struggling with the same sets of issues. We have Web pages and regular telecons. All are welcome… Details on the Laboratory Operations page at or contact me.
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Fall 2002 Questions?? James Williams Indiana University