CONTENTS Defining Performance Determinants of Performance Performance Dimensions Approaches to measuring Performance Conclusion
Performance Management and Performance Performance Management usually includes measures of both a. Behaviors (what an employee does?) and b. Results( outcomes of an employee’s behavior) The definition of Performance does not include the results of an employee’s behaviors, but only the behaviors themselves.
Characterstics of behaviors Evaluative: Such behaviors can be judged as negative, neutral, positive for individual and organizational effectiveness. Multi dimensional: Performance is multidimensional- there are different kinds of behaviors that have the capacity to advance (or hinder) the organizational goals.
Contribution to the effectiveness of others in the work unit As an example, a set of behaviors can be grouped under the label ”Contribution to the effectiveness of others in the work unit” The set of behaviors can be defined as follows: Works with others within and outside the unit in a manner that improves their effectiveness. Shares information and resources. Develops effective working relationships. Builds consensus. Constructively manages conflicts.
Determinants of Performance Declarative Knowledge Procedural knowledge Motivation
Factors determining Performance Declarative Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Motivation Facts Cognitive skill Choice to perform Principles Psychomotor skill Level of effort Goals Physical skill Persistence of effort Interpersonal skill Performance=declarative Knowledge X Procedural KnowledgeXMotivation
Deliberate Practice The key to achieve top level performance is deliberate practice. Deliberate practice is different from regular practice. Steps to be followed: Approach performance with the goal of getting better and better. As you are performing , focus on what is happening and why you are doing things the way you do.
Contd.. Once your task is finished , seek performance feed back from expert sources. Build mental models of your jobs , situation,and your organization. Repeat the above steps continually.
Implications for addressing performance problems In order to address performance problems properly , the manager must be aware of the source of the problem. The source could be -Declarative Knowledge -Procedural Knowledge -Motivation A wrong analysis would lead to waste of time and resources for the individual and organization. That is why performance management systems need not only measure performance but also to provide the information about the source of any performance deficiencies.
PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS Performance is multidimensional. Two main types of performance facets: Task performance Contextual performance Need to be considered separately as they do not necessarily occur in tandem
TASK PERFORMANCE Activities that transform raw materials into goods and services that are produced by the organization. Activities that help this transformation process: Replenishing the supply of raw materials Distributing finished products Planning and coordination Supervising or staff functions that enable the organization to function effectively and efficiently
CONTEXTUAL PERFORMANCE Those behaviors that contribute to the effective functioning of an organization by providing a good environment in which task performance can occur. Behaviors which contribute to the goals of the organization through their effect on the social and psychological condition Contextual performance includes: Persisting with enthusiasm and exerting the extra effort necessary to complete one’s own task activities successfully.
Contd… Volunteering to carry out task activities that are not formally part of the job. Helping and cooperating with others. Following organizational rules and procedures. Endorsing, supporting and defending organizational objectives. Job dedication
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TASK AND CONTEXTUAL PERFORMANCE Task Performance Contextual Performance Varies across jobs Likely to be role prescribed. Antecedents: Abilities and skills Fairly similar across jobs. Not likely to be role prescribed. Antecedent: personality
IMPORTANCE OF CONSIDERING BOTH DIMENSIONS The two dimensions can contribute independently to organizational effectiveness. Each behavior should be defined clearly so that employees understand what is expected of them. Difficult for supervisors to ignore contextual performance during performance evaluation Employees being rated are more satisfied with the system and believe the system to be more fair
IMPORTANCE OF CONTEXTUAL PERFORMANCE With an increasingly competitive job market, employees are expected to go above and beyond the requirements listed in their job descriptions Need to offer outstanding customer service Interpersonal cooperation for team effectiveness A means to measure contextual performance explicitly is needed; otherwise it can be more subjective and subject to bias.
Job performence A Performer (individual or team with certain traits) In a given work situation Engages in certain behaviors That produce various results
APPROACHES TO MEASURING PERFORMANCE Trait approach Behavior approach Result Approach
Trait Approach Emphasizes the individual performer and ignores the specific situation ,behaviors and results. Assess employee’s - Intelligence - Conscientiousness
Challenges of implementing a system Traits are not under the control of individuals An individual possesses a certain trait (e.g.,intelligence) does not mean that this trait will necessarily lead to desired results and behaviours
BEHAVIOR APPROACH Emphasizes what employees do on the job and does not consider employees’ traits or outcomes resulting from their behaviors. Process oriented approach that emphasizes how an employee does the job
Appropriate under the following circumstances The link between behaviors and results is not obvious Outcomes occur in the distant future. Poor results are due to causes beyond the performer control
RESULTS APPROACH Emphasizes the outcomes and results produced by the employees Does not consider the traits that employees may possess or how employees do the job
Appropriate under the following circumstances Workers are skilled in the needed behaviors Behaviors and results are obviously related Results show consistent improvement over time There are many ways to do the job right
Conclusion Determinants of performance have been discussed. Different dimensions of performance have been identified. Different approaches to measure the performance have been discussed.