ISLLC Standard #3 Planning for School – wide Behavior Management


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Presentation transcript:

ISLLC Standard #3 Planning for School – wide Behavior Management Name Workshop Facilitator

©AZ Board of Regents, 2012. All rights reserved. Welcome Name of Superintendent Welcome Why Important ©AZ Board of Regents, 2012.  All rights reserved.

Overview & Introductions Name of Facilitator Introductions Overview / Agenda Guiding Questions Targeted Objectives ISLLC Standards WELCOME SLIDE… If this workshop is implemented with an administrative team in a district, ask the superintendent to provide a welcome. Discuss the content of the workshop and ask him/her to prepare comments about why it is important in this district. Indicate that the comments should take only 1 to 2 minutes. Suggest that he/she tie the workshop to district goals or initiatives. List the name of the superintendent on the slide. If the superintendent is not involved …delete this slide OVERVIEW SLIDE… Adjust the content of this slide to contain the items you will use (do). Reminder: It is strongly recommended that you list the targeted objectives on one poster and the guiding questions on another poster. It may be helpful to also list key vocabulary on another poster. These posters will enable you to reference this points through the workshop (especially during closure). Please adjust the order of the items on this slide to meet your needs/preferences. PROPOSED NORMS & EXPECTATIONS SLIDE: It is recommended that you read the headings only and allow participants to read the rest of the slide (your choice on how to present/facilitate, however it is important to introduce today’s norms. You may want to add further explanation and emphasize “Share ONE point” (this norms allows everyone to have opportunities to add to the dialogue; if each person will share just one idea at a time, this enables everyone to be able share – no one person dominates) After a brief discussion ….ask group to raise their hands to indicate that they are willing to accept the proposed norms for today. LEADERSHIP MODEL… The purpose of this slide is to present the BIG PICTURE and explain how this workshop “fits” into the ongoing professional growth of participants. SAY: From a systems thinking approach, this Leadership Model represents the KEY PROCESSES that a principal needs to apply to impact student achievement and teacher performance. An excellent instructional leader must apply all of these process to maximize impact on student achievement and teacher performance. In today’s workshop we will incorporate strategies to help you apply ----- [list name(s) of ones applied in this workshop]. NOTE: Systems thinking helps to us recognize the importance of each component of the system. Our goal is student achievement through quality instruction. As instructional leaders develop plans for school improvement, it is necessary that leadership recognize the impact each of the key processes have on the success of the improvement plan. If one of the processes is omitted, there will be a weakness in the plan and it is not likely to be successful. ISLLC Standards: The purpose of this slide is to present the BIG PICTURE and explain how this workshop “fits” into the ongoing professional growth of participants relevant to the content of all 6 ISLLC Standards. SAY: From a systems thinking approach, the principal must develop his/her skills to effectively address all 6 ISLLC Standards. A principal may choose to implement specific strategies to meet each ISLLC Standards and improve his/her performance relevant to the ISLLC Standards. To be a complete principal you must work to become proficient in all 6 areas or standards. In today’s workshop we will incorporate strategies to help you ----- [list name(s) of ones applied in this workshop]. NOTE: We suggest you read the first paragraph and the appropriate standard. And than ask shoulder partners to discuss key words in the standard. ©AZ Board of Regents, 2012.  All rights reserved.

Proposed Norms & Expectations Stay focused and fully engaged no competing conversations please Participate to grow share openly and monitor your listening Be a learner create your own meaning and application Get your needs met ask questions that benefit the group personal questions on breaks Housekeeping silence cell phones handle business later share ONE point …then next person Introduce today’s proposed norms FACILITATOR: you may want to add further explanation Emphasize “Share ONE point” …this norms allows everyone to have opportunities to add to the dialogue; if each person will share just one idea at a time, this enables everyone to be able share – no one person dominates After a brief discussion ….ask group to raise their hands to indicate that they are willing to accept the proposed norms for today.

Student Achievement Teacher Quality Instructional Leadership Leadership Model A Systems Thinking Approach: ISLLC Standards and improvement strategies are managed through Key Processes Student Achievement Teacher Quality Instructional Leadership Implementing Monitoring Supporting Communicating Advocating Planning

ISLLC Standards A principal may choose to implement specific strategies to meet the ISLLC Standards and/or improve his/her performance relevant to the ISLLC Standards. The standards are: Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth Ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment Collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner Understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context

Sample Application Focus

In the column labeled “Current Reality” 5 = Highly effective Application Focus At the conclusion of this module you will identify key concepts and plan your application focus In the column labeled “Current Reality” Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 5 = Highly effective 3 = Satisfactorily Effective 1 = Ineffective Describe the evidence that supports your application of this concept

ISLLC Standard #3 Workshop Objective The participants will: Outline the steps for developing a school-wide behavior management plan and set a timeline to begin the process.

Monitoring Student Behavior Guiding Questions How can a safe and secure learning environment be assured so students and teachers can focus on achievement?

Table Discussion In your table groups discuss: What are your frustrations with the current behavior on your campus? What management techniques currently work well? Allow 5 minutes to hold the discussion. If there are multiple groups in attendance allow time for sharing out.

Goals of any Behavior Plan Preventing Misbehavior Reinforcing Responsible Behavior Correcting Misbehavior Effectively

Components of a School-wide Behavior Plan Structure all settings for success Classrooms Hallways Cafeteria Busses Playground

Components of a School-wide Behavior Plan Teach Expectations Establish school wide expectations Systematically teach and communicate expectations to staff, students, parents Continue to review expectations as needed and with all new students to your campus

Components of a School-wide Behavior Plan Monitor student behavior Make sure students are supervised in all settings

Components of a School-wide Behavior Plan Be positive in interactions State expectations in positive terms Give positive feedback to those who are behaving appropriately

Components of a School-wide Behavior Plan Correct students when necessary Calmly Respectfully Consistently Immediately As briefly as possible As privately as possible

Creating Your Own School Wide Plan At your table discuss what data you have at your school that supports: Developing or revising your school’s “Behavior Management Plan” The need for staff involvement and/or training in this area. Allow 5 minutes for discussion, share out if there is time.

Article Handout “Developing a School-wide Management Plan” Read the article Developing a School-wide Behavior Management Plan Identify those members on your staff that will serve as your Behavior Management Team to get the process started.

Working with Students Who Do Not Comply Not every student will comply with even the best designed and implement plan Students such as this need individualized plan As you watch the video identify the characteristics that indicate a student needs an individualized behavior plan.

Application Focus Consider the guiding question, and think about connects between the ISSLC Standard and workshop’s key concepts Use column labeled “Strategies/Ideas” List at least THREE things per box Pair Share ONE strategy you learned today and how you plan to use it at your school.

Workshop Closure Review the following… Targeted Objectives ISLLC Standard (Elements, Criteria, or Targeted Behavior list on Application Focus) Next Steps What additional data do you need? Who will you involve in process? What resources do you need? Application Focus Do what? By when?

Workshop Closure Please complete “Participant Feedback” form Grant research Improve future workshops