Hunger is both physiological and psychological. Motivation of Hunger Hunger is both physiological and psychological.
Physiology of Hunger Washburn’s studies showed hunger was partially related to the stomach. But those with their stomachs removed still feel hunger.
The Brain In the 1960’s it was discovered that hunger comes from……….. The Hypothalamus
The Hypothalamus & Hunger Along the sides of the hypothalamus is the lateral hypothalamus: which brings on hunger. Stimulate the lateral hypothalamus and even a well fed animal will begin to eat. Lesion the lateral hypothalamus and a starving animal will have no interest in food.
The Hypothalamus and Hunger Along the lower middle section of the hypothalamus is the ventromedial hypothalamus: which depresses hunger. Stimulate the ventromedial hypothalamus and the animal will stop eating Lesion the ventromedial hypothalamus the animal will continuously want to eat.
How does the hypothalamus work? Set Point Theory Hypothalamus acts like a thermostat. It wants to maintain a stable weight When we fall below that weight the lateral hypothalamus = activated, increasing hunger and decrease energy expenditure (Basic Metabolic Rate). When we go above that weight the ventromedial hypothalamus= activated, decreasing hunger FYI: Heredity & body type influence set point
Sexual Motivation
Kinsey’s Studies Confidential interviews with 18,000 people (in early 1950’s). Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female Scale of sexuality….0 to 6 where 0 is exclusively heterosexual and 6 homosexual and 7 is asexual.
The Physiology of Sex Masters and Johnson (1966): 382 female volunteers, 312 male volunteers agreed to participate in a study in which they were observed in a laboratory setting during masturbation and sexual intercourse. Their results were used to gather information about the human sexual response cycle Preview Question 6: What stages mark the human sexual response cycle?
The Sexual Response Cycle (Four Stages) Results of M & J Study The Sexual Response Cycle (Four Stages) Excitement Phase: genitals become engorged in blood (men and women) and women will lubricate. Plateau Phase: excitement peaks, breathing, pulse increases, tip of penis may exhibit seminal fluid, clitoris retracts- orgasm feels imminent.
Results of M & J Study (Continued) Orgasm: muscle contractions all over the body, women’s contractions actually help propel sperm and position uterus to increase chances of conception. Man and woman only aware of rhythmic genital contractions. Resolution Phase: everything slows down and men enter a refractory period (which can last from minutes to over a day) where he is incapable of another orgasm.
Sexual Orientation An enduring sexual attraction toward members of either one's own gender or the other gender.
How is Sexual Orientation Determined The Facts: There has been NO evidence that sexuality is socially determined. Kids raised by gay parents are no more likely to be gay that if they were raised by hetero parents. Thus it is likely biologically determined.
The Brain Simon LeVay Discovered that there is a cluster of cells in the hypothalamus that is larger in heterosexual men than in homosexual men.
Genetics Statistically speaking: If one identical twin is homosexual, the other twin has about a 50% chance of being gay (about 20% for fraternal twins).
Prenatal Environment Current research seems to point to the hormonal levels in the prenatal environment. We have been able to create lesbian sheep!!!
Achievement Motivation A desire for significant accomplishments; for mastery of things, people, or ideas; for attaining a high standard.
Achievement Motivation Motivation to achieve differs from person to person. People with a high need to achieve tend to: choose tasks that allow for success, yet still require skill and effort, and keep persisting until success is achieved. Einstein, michael phelps, obama
Achievement Motivation Intrinsic Motivators Extrinsic Motivators Rewards we get internally, such as enjoyment or satisfaction. More effective long term. Reward that we get for accomplishments from outside ourselves (grades or money or etc..) Work well in the short run.
Management Theory Management/Teaching styles relate closely to Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivators. Theory X Theory Y Managers believe that employees will work only if rewarded with benefits or threatened with punishment. Think employees are Extrinsically Motivated. Only interested in Maslow’s lower needs. Managers believe that employees are internally motivated to do good work and policies should encourage this internal motive. Interested in Maslow’s higher needs.
When Motives Conflict Sometimes what you want to do in a situation is clear to you. But at other times you no doubt find yourself conflicted about what choice to make. Psychologists discuss four types of motivational conflicts: Approach-Approach conflict Avoidance-Avoidance conflict Approach-Avoidance conflict Multiple Approach-Avoidance conflicts
Motivational Conflict Approach-Approach: Occurs when you must choose between two desirable outcomes Avoidance-Avoidance : Occurs when you must choose between two unattractive outcomes.
Motivational Conflict Approach-Avoidance: Exists when ONE event or goal has both attractive and unattractive features. Multiple Approach-Avoidance: Here you must choose between two or more things, each of which has both desirable and undesirable features.