Types of Experimental Designs (Educational research) True Experimental Quasi-Experimental
Types of Experimental Designs Simple True Experimental Quasi-Experimental
Types Randomized posttest control group design Randomized pretest-posttest control group design
Randomized posttest control group design RTPost RCPost
Randomized pretest-posttest control group design RPreTPost RPreCPost Makes it possible to ascertain that groups were equivalent at the beginning of the study. Not necessary if: 1. Randomization was used 2. Large sample size
Solomon four-group design RPreTPost RPreCPost RTPost RCPost Four groups are formed by random assignment ( R ) of participants, two groups are pretested ( O ) and two are not, one pretested and one unpretested group receive the experimental treatments ( X1, X2 ), each group is administered a posttest on the dependent variable, and posttest scores are compared to determine effectiveness of treatments
Types of Experimental Designs Simple True Experimental Quasi-Experimental
Characteristics of True Designs Manipulation (treatment) Randomization Control group Less control More real-world Program evaluation
Quasi-experimental Designs One group posttest-only design One group pretest-posttest design Non-equivalent control group design Non-equivalent control group pretest- posttest design Time series
Quasi-experimental Designs One group posttest-only design One group pretest-posttest design Non-equivalent control group design Non-equivalent control group pretest- posttest design Time series
Randomized posttest control only design RTPost RCPost
One group posttest-only design (One shot study) TPost No control of IV threats Use?
Quasi-experimental Designs One shot study One group pretest-posttest design Non-equivalent control group design Non-equivalent control group pretest- posttest design Time series
Randomized pretest-posttest control group design RPreTPost RPreCPost
One group pretest-posttest design PreTPost History Maturation Testing Instrumentation Regression Use control group
Quasi-experimental Designs One shot study One group pretest-posttest design Non-equivalent control group design Non-equivalent control group pretest- posttest design Time series
Randomized posttest control group design RTPost RCPost
Non-equivalent control group design (Static group comparison design) TPost CPost Selection bias
Quasi-experimental Designs One shot study One group pretest-posttest design Non-equivalent control group design Non-equivalent control group pretest- posttest design Time series
Randomized pretest-posttest control group design RPreTPost RPreCPost
Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design PreTPost PreCPost Can check selection bias
Quasi-experimental Designs One shot study One group pretest-posttest design Non-equivalent control group design Non-equivalent control group pretest- posttest design Time series
Pre Pre Pre Pre T Post Post Post Post …a single group is pretested ( O ) repeatedly until pretest scores are stable, exposed to a treatment ( X ) and, then, is repeatedly posttested ( O )