Charles V Inherits Two Crowns Charles V was king of Spain and ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. He became embroiled in wars with the Ottoman empire as it advanced on central Europe and also in religious conflicts with the Protestants in the German states. He abdicated both thrones and split them between his brother, Ferdinand, and son, Philip. 1 of 6 The Age of Absolutism Section 1: Spanish Power Grows Witness History Audio: A Working Monarch Geography Interactive: The Wars of Philip II,
Philip II Solidifies Power As ruler of Spain, Philip II was an absolute monarch. He tried to quell the Protestant movement using the Inquisition. He continued the fight against the Ottoman empire, and won the Battle of Lepanto against them in He launched the Spanish armada against England in retribution for attacks on Spanish treasure ships. England’s defeat of the armada marked the beginning of Spain’s decline. 2 of 6 The Age of Absolutism Section 1: Spanish Power Grows Note Taking Transparency 115
Spain’s Golden Age Philip II was a patron of the arts and a supporter of education. During his rule, Spanish painters and writers reached great heights. 3 of 6 The Age of Absolutism Section 1: Spanish Power Grows Color Transparency 97: Spanish Tapestry QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency
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