LAYOUT WIPO: Who we are What we do How we operate Methodology for IP Strategy formulation Implementation Where we stand: key message
WIPO: OUR MISSION To lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that fosters innovation and creativity for the benefit of all To help governments, businesses and society to realize the benefits of intellectual property Established in 1967 Self funding UN agency with 188 member states Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland Headed by Francis Gurry, DG
WHAT WE DO Provide a policy forum to shape balanced international IP rules stakeholders meet to address evolving IP issues; Our MSs and observers meet in committee meetings, and other decision making bodies to negotiate and formulate rules needed to ensure that the IP system keeps pace with the changing world, Offer IP protection services across borders, including resolution of disputes A range of cost effective and easy to use global services for IP protection: PCT; Madrid system (about 111 states parties) for registration of marks; the Hague system for registration of designs; Lisbon for appellations of origin; Arbitration and mediation center
WHAT WE DO Provide technical infrastructure to connect IP systems and share knowledge Help IP institutions to collaborate more effectively and deliver more efficient services (TISCs); enables innovators to freely access the knowledge contained in the IP system: business software solutions including IPAS (industrial property administration system) supports all major business processes of an IP office; WIPO Scan to deal with digitization workflow and formatting
WHAT WE DO World reference source for IP information Worlds most comprehensive source of data on IP system, studies, reports and factual information on IP: be it statistical, legal, or technical, we provide. IP journals. National IP Laws as well as treaties administered by WIPO (WIPO Lex); IP and technology databases: patentscope; global brands database; global design database; the Hague express on industrial designs registered under Hague ; Lisbon express. Etc. information sources such as the global innovation index; all accessible on our pages Cooperation and capacity building Capacity building include: IP education (WIPO Academy – Dl and on site, MIP, etc) ; training programs in IP skills such as patent drafting, examination; training of trainers;
HOW WE OPERATE Guided by 9 strategic goals, each covering a number of programs that deliver a number of activities for our variety of stakeholders Main engine for delivery of our development oriented activities is guided by strategic goal 3: facilitating the use of IP for development.
OPERATIONAL UNITS Regional Bureaus LDCs Special Projects WIPO Academy Development Agenda Coordination Development Sector
COMPONENTS Developing institutional and technical infrastructure Enhanced IP infrastructure/business systems for better access to IP information and knowledge: WIPO provides IP Offices with technical advice and guidance to enable them deliver more efficient and user-friendly services, for example by preparing IP office automation strategic plans, benchmarking existing systems, gap analysis, needs assessment, project scoping and planning, project and implementation costs, and simplification of IP office business procedures. Enhancing Human capital Improving skills for the effective use of IP- building a critical mass of trained human resources with knowledge and skills to deal with the broad range of requirements for the effective use of IP for development.
COMPONENTS Providing Legislative and Policy Advice Updated legislation and effective policies in line with country needs: Upon Member State request, WIPO provides tailored advice in ALL areas of IP, taking into account specific country needs and situations. Developing national IP Strategies Clearly defined National IP strategies: At the request of Member States, WIPO assists in developing National IP and Innovation Strategies, which are consistent with each State’s existing national development goals and objectives, and taking into account international IP flexibilities.
NATIONAL IP STRATEGIES 13 A set of measures formulated and implemented by a government to encourage and facilitate the creation, development, management and protection of IP at national level.
IMPORTANCE OF FORMULATING NIPS Strengthens a country’s ability to generate economically valuable assets Provides a plan whereby all national stakeholders can work together to create, own and exploit research results, innovations, new technologies and works of creativity
Methodology Commitment Desk Research IP Audit National Consultation Report Drafting Validation
Strategy in Action
The process Identify and map products
The process Identify and map products Mobilize stakeholders
The process Identify and map products Mobilize stakeholders Analyze IP options
The process Identify and map products Mobilize stakeholders Analyze IP options Develop IP and branding strategies
The process Identify and map products Mobilize stakeholders Analyze IP options Develop IP and branding strategies Implement Strategy
“I would be so happy when intellectual property and branding become household points of reference … that’s when people will understand the importance of intellectual property in today’s economy”.
For further information