HBr; Updated: Imaging experiments in Crete Labtop..C:……/Crete/HBr/PPT aka.pptx & (updated file)
30 k 60 k 90 k H + Br30300 cm cm -1 H + Br**(4P;5s) Lowest energy Br** HBr + + e; cm -1 (11.68 eV) H + Br*(1/2) cm -1 H + Br H + + Br cm-1 (9.17 eV) 86000cm-1 (10.66 eV) 43000cm-1( nm <= nm) 37000cm-1 ( nm <= nm) Total scan range for HBr H + + Br cm k (1) (2) (3) (n) = number of photons Energetics: cm -1 „Internuclear distance“
III. Different ion formation channels: Main channels: HBr**(Ry,v´,J´) + hv -> HBr + + e ; Ionization of Rydberg state HBr**(I-P,v´,J´) + 2hv -> -> H + + Br + e; Ionization of Ion-pair states HBr**(I-P,v´,J´) + 2hv ->-> H + Br + + e; Ionization of Ion-pair states Other possible channels(?): HBr**(I-P,v´,J´) + hv -> -> H + + Br - ; Ionization of Ion-pair states ; Ion- Pair formation Br/Br* + 3hv ->->-> Br + + e;Ionization of Br atoms; Br + formation HBr**(I-P,v´,J´) + hv-> HBr + + eIonization of Ion-pair states ; Parent ion formation HBr**(Ry,v´,J´) + 2hv -> H + + Br + e ; Ionization of Rydberg state; H + formation : ? => Number of different states and J´ dependent ion formation channels I. 2hv resonance excitations: HBr + 2hv ->-> HBr**(Ry,v´,J´); Rydberg state excitation HBr + 2hv ->-> HBr**(I-P,v´,J´); Ion-Pair state excitation II. Intersystem crossings: HBr**(Ry,v´,J´) HBr**(I-P,v´,J´); Rydb. – Ion pair interactions E(J´ Ry,J´ IP ) dependent HBr**(Ry,v´,J´) ->-> H + Br/Br*; Predissociation
Our recent mass resolved REMPI and perturbation studies (summary): Paper:Resonance excitation Range: HBr States 1 :Comments: cpsa6/v138/i4/p044308_s1?is Authorized=nohttp://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/j cpsa6/v138/i4/p044308_s1?is Authorized=no or annsoknir/papers/jcp pdf annsoknir/papers/jcp pdf (JCP; 2013) – cm -1 / eV E (v´= 0) vs. V(v´=m+4) andV(m+5) Strong Rydberg to ion-pair interaction; Emphasize J´ dependence e/1/jcpsa6/v136/i21/p _s1?isAuthorized=no e/1/jcpsa6/v136/i21/p _s1?isAuthorized=no (JCP, 2012) cm -1 / 9.80 – 9.96 eV a)F 1 2 (v´=1) vs. V(v´=m+7) b)E(v´=1) and H(v´=0) vs. V(v´=m+7) & V(v´=m+8) a)(weak) resonance interactions b)Strong interactions Emphasize J´ dependence com/science/article/pii/S http:// com/science/article/pii/S OR st/rannsoknir/papers/HBr /jcp pdf st/rannsoknir/papers/HBr /jcp pdf (JMSp, 2012) – cm -1 / 9.17 – eV Variour Rydberg and ion-pair states „total range“ Spectroscopic parameters and „New states“ 1. V(v´): Ion-pair states; E(v´),H(v´),F(v´): Rydberg states
Others (H.P. Loock et al.) „imaging studies“ on HBr: Paper:Resonance excitation Range: HBr States 1 :Comments: s/~agust/rannsoknir /papers/HBr/pccp pdf s/~agust/rannsoknir /papers/HBr/pccp pdf (2006) – cm – 10 eV Many (i,F,E,H, V)Photoelectron detection. Focus on photoionization dynamics. Discover autoionization effects; Do not deal with J´dependences s/~agust/rannsoknir /papers/jcp a.pdf s/~agust/rannsoknir /papers/jcp a.pdf (2007) Specific wavelengths (see next column) Q(0) and Q(1) lines for E(v´=0), H(v´=0), V(v´= m+3, m+i;i=5- 8) H+ detection; emphasize electronic state effects and v´dependences for V states; Do not deal with J´dependences 1. V: Ion-pair states; E,H,F, i: Rydberg states
Suggestions for experiments: -relevant to our studies (see above): 1)Studies relevant to strong state interactions vs. J´ ( /JCP; 2013) (or Record ion images (H +, Br +, HBr + (?)) vs J´ for two-photon, one-color resonance excitations to J´ levels of a)The Rydberg state E(v´=0); For Q lines, J´=0, 2,..8, 9(?) b)The Ion-pair state V(v´=m+5); For Q lines, J´=0, 2,..8, 9(?) c)The Ion-pair state V(v´= m+4); For Q lines, J´=0, 2,..8, 9(?) (excitation range: – cm-1/ eV; photons: nm; see lines: and/or :
2) Studies relevant to i) weak resonance state interactions and ii) strong interactions vs. J´ ( /JCP, 2012) (or ) Record ion images (H +, Br +, HBr + (?)) vs J´ for two-photon one color resonance excitations to J´ levels of a) The Rydberg state F(v´=1); Q lines, J´=3, 4,5,6,7 (i) b) The Rydberg state E(v´=1); Q lines, J´= 0,1,….7(?) (ii) c) The Rydberg state H(v´=0), Q lines, J´= 0,1,….9(?) (ii) d) The Ion-pair state V(v´=m+7), Q lines, J´= 0,1,..(5),..9 (i and ii) e) The Ion-pair state V(v´=m+8), Q lines, J´= 0,1,…7 (ii) (excitation range cm-1/9.80 – 9.96 eV; photons: nm; see lines: and/or and/or See spectral lines below:
O Q(J´=J´´) S J´Q , , , , , , , , ,92 Predicted lines from B´,D´, n0, B´´,D´´ See: „C:…Vm4Qlines ak.xlsx
O Q (J´=J´´) S Q: J´= J´´
O P Q(J´=J´´) R S Q: J´= J´´
1hv absorption => Q lines not observed J´Q , , , , , , , , ,62 See: „C:…Vm4Qlines ak.xlsx Q: J´= J´´ From our REMPI spectra
1hv absorption => Q lines not observed
1hv absorption => Q lines not observed
REMPI Spectra:
More V(m + i) lines: See Table IV in (C&G; 1990) and Table 3 in (Long et al. (2012) and Table III in (G,G&T; 1982) C&G(90)GGT(82)Long et al.(12) P&R:V(m-1) V(m) V(m+1)V(m+2)V(m+3) V(m+4)V(m+5)V(m+6)V(m+7)V(m+8) V(m+10) V(m+11) V(m+12) V(m+12) V(m+13) V(m+16)V(m+17) V(m+18) V(m+19)
Alternative HBr experiments(3 & 4): 3) „near-resonance“ interaction: k 3 1 (v´= 0) (k(0)) and V(m+9) for J´= 7 Ref: :
4) „near-resonance“ interaction: 6p 3 - (v´= 0) and V(m+17) for J´= 7,8,9 Ref: : O Q S