New Official’s Training Session 3
2 Session 2 Review: (T/F and notable exceptions) Attacking players can dive into the crease as long as they score a goal. False, an attacking player that dives into the crease turns the ball over. A defender can enter the crease with or without the ball. False, anyone with the ball cannot enter the crease. A defender in the crease can legally receive a pass. True, only the goalie receives the protection in the crease, 4-second rule applies. A team can have 3 long poles in the game. True, a maximum of 4 long poles are allowed. Within 5 yards of a loose ball, you can hold or push (from the front and side). True, this is a scrum and loose ball possessions will be heavily contested. A team is off-sides if they have three or less players in their defensive half. False, off-sides only occurs if 7 or more players are in the offensive half of the field. Bonus Question! Describe the four parts to TPOAD … 1) rule violation 2) must be advantage 3) line calls and 4) safety fouls do not count.
Agenda Session 1 Pre-Work Rule 4 Play of the Game Session 2 Fouls, FDSW, Play-On Personal Fouls Technical Fouls Session 3 Penalty Enforcement Mechanics Conflict Resolution US Lacrosse Rules Exam Session 4 Test Review & Open Discussion Videos Practical’s: Stick Checks, Face-offs, Goalie Interference, Flag Throwing, Whistle Blowing, Reporting
4 Equipment Check Procedure Have a plan for 2 to 4 equipment checks; be flexible on timing. Check a player of the team coming to your end of the field. A good rule of thumb is to check an impact player. Do not check goalie. There is no rule that says a player cannot be checked twice. Coaches get one equipment check request per game. The R will perform all of these stick or equipment checks. Check that all required equipment is present and check legality of crosse. Crosse does not have to be in the game to be checked. Do stick checks at midfield, facing away from the teams Treat fouls on opposing teams as simultaneous dead-ball fouls
5 Equipment Check Procedure Items to check Helmet with facemask NOCSAE sticker on back Eye shield not tinted. Mouthguard Not cut down Not completely clear or white Shoulder pads Some protection must be present. Arm/elbow pads Gloves Any holes in palms must be covered by tape Shoes Lacrosse stick Dimensions correct and end cap present Roll test
6 L T Lead goes to closest bench and takes the number selected. Lead needs to hustle to wing area. Trail goes over midfield, and takes a player from the opposite bench area.. Note: try to get a ball, or ask ball person to toss you one. Don’t go into team huddle to get a stick! Officials should do the stick measurement in the middle of the field by the center “X”. Equipment Check Updated 11/5/10
7 L T Try to have at least 1 official where the teams are crossing. Time-Out Procedures After all clear, meet at center if necessary, then position yourselves 20 yards off benches. Updated 1/08/10 Watch the teams “cross” here. X O X O X X O O Note: When you meet at midfield you should write down time-out, and discuss any mechanics that may be off. Be sure you know where the ball will be starting. Note: Be sure to tell the benches who called time out!
8 RULE 7 Penalty Enforcement
9 Technical Foul Loose Ball = Play On Possession & Foul by Offense = Whistle Possession & Foul by Defense = Flag Down Slow Whistle Personal Foul Loose Ball = Flag & Whistle Possession & Foul by Offense = Flag & Whistle Possession & Foul by Defense = Flag Down Slow Whistle Penalty Enforcement
10 Technical Fouls Loose Ball - Play On During a loose-ball technical foul, crease violation, or goalkeeper interference Visually and verbally signal “Play-on!” Withhold the whistle until the play ends or advantage is gained or lost. A guideline is no more than 1 or 2 seconds. If the offended team Gains possession, give verbal & visual indication - “Blue” Does not gain possession award the ball at the spot where the ball is or, if the ball is inside the attack area, in the alley next to the attack area. Play On!PushBlue
11 Technical Fouls Loose Ball - Play On For goalkeeper interference without possession Withhold the whistle until goalie gains possession, else award the ball in alley. For goalkeeper interference with possession Withhold the whistle until the goalie completes an outlet pass or leaves the crease.
12 Technical Fouls By Team in Possession If the team that has possession commits a technical foul… Immediate whistle and award the ball to the opponents at the spot where the ball is or if the ball is inside the attack area in the alley next to the attack area. Illegal ScreenWhite
13 Flag Down Slow Whistle (FDSW) Fouls (personal or technical) with possession by the team that was fouled: Throw the flag straight up into the air (10 to 15 feet). Yell “Flag down!”, “Flag down!” Other official should acknowledge “Flag is down!” Allow the offensive team (with possession) to complete their play. Slow whistle mechanic. Sound your whistle to stop play when the rules require you to. (GOODIE)
14 Flag Down Slow Whistle Enforcement Team A is awarded the ball: Just over midfield (a “free clear”) if the ball was in Team A’s defensive zone Where the ball was when the whistle blew to stop play if the ball was in Zone 3 “In the alley”, preferable the Trail’s alley, if the ball was in Zone 4 (i.e. Team A’s attack area) On the endline if the penalty occurs after the ball crosses the endline.
15 Penalty Decision Tree Personal Fouls YesNo Personal Foul Loose Ball? Whistle & assess penalty Foul by ? AB FDSW Whistle & assess penalty Note: A is the team with possession B is the defense
16 Penalty Decision Tree Technical Fouls Yes No Technical Foul Loose Ball? Play On Whistle or Possession Whistle or Possession Whistle & award ball to B Foul by ? Goal scored? AB Wave off flag Wave off flag B serves 30 secs B serves 30 secs YesNo FDSW Note: A is the team with possession B is the defense
17 Penalty time Penalty time begins when play resumes If a goal is scored: The player for the team scored against is released (if releasable) The player for the scoring team is not released All Non-Releasable penalties serve full time Penalty time carries over to next period Penalties on opposing players Shorter time is Non-Releasable for both players Multiple penalties Non-Releasable served first “In-Home” serves bench penalties Goalies serve their own time Allow a 1 minute warm-up for a new goalie.
18 Penalty Enforcement Making and Reporting the Call Make sure all action has stoped. Check for flags from your partner. If there are multiple flags, conference to determine if you have two flags for the same foul or flags for two different fouls. Inform your partner of your call. Trail Position yourself promptly but not “hurriedly”: Facing the table. With an unobstructed view of the table. Erect and stationary. Signal the penalty (CNOTE). Be big, loud, and clear. Make sure penalized player is in the penalty box.
19 Penalty Reporting Trail - CNOTE Face the table and announce the following: “C” - The uniform color of the offending player. Point to team. “N” - The number of offending player. Signal the number with your hands. “O” - The offense (foul) the player committed (give signal). “T” - The time to be served (30 seconds, 1 to 3 minutes). “E” – Explanation if necessary If the penalty is Non-releasable (Full Time, Locked) Good to mention the game clock time when to release the penalty & if it might carry over. Who will have possession and where the ball will restart (e.g., “Blue ball, free clear”; “Blue ball, outside the box”) BluePush 30 seconds White ball“Two”“Four”
20 Penalty Reporting Lead Set the field Check with or report to Trail on penalty Get ball to restart spot. In Trail’s alley, at top of corner box, or Free clear Restart on endline if penalty occurs after ball crosses endline Count players. This is critical! Inform Goalie of restart spot & penalty situation (e.g. You’re down 1 for 1 minute)
21 Penalty Reporting
22 Penalty Enforcement Dead-Ball Fouls “Live-ball”, “Live-ball” are simultaneous fouls. No free clear. “Live-ball, Live-ball, Let it be” “Live-ball”, “Dead-ball”, enforce in the order they occurred and award a free clear. “Live-ball, Dead-ball, Dead center” In both cases, common penalty time is non-releasable Use the one-hand open palm overhead to signal dead ball when necessary. Out of bounds or Foul.
23 Goal Scored Live Ball Foul Play: B1 illegally body checks A1 before ball enters the goal (Live-ball foul) Signal: Blue, “Four”, Illegal body check, One minute. Goal is good. Face-off.” Blue“Four”Illegal Body Check 1 MinuteGoal is Good Face Off
24 Goal Scored Dead Ball Foul Play: B24 illegally body checks A1 well after ball enters the goal. (Dead ball foul) Signal: “Blue” “Two” “Four”, Dead ball foul, Illegal body check, 1 minute. Goal is good. White ball. Blue“Two”“Four”Dead Ball Foul Illegal Body Check 1 MinuteGoal is Good White Ball
25 Bench Penalties In-home: Starting attack player, is the first name in the score book when attack is listed first. This number is also listed on your scorecard. If a penalty is called against a team when no definite player is involved (not a simple offside) or when the penalty is against someone other than a player in the game, the official shall assess the penalty time against the in-home.
26 In cases of poor conduct, officials generally follow an escalating progression up ”The Ladder.” 1. Start with a verbal warning, 2. followed by a conduct foul when the offending team has possession, 3. then by a time-serving conduct foul, 4. then a 1- to 3-minute unsportsmanlike conduct, and 5. finally by a flagrant misconduct expulsion foul. Depending on the severity of the foul and what preceded it, steps in this progression may be repeated or skipped. Handling a Rowdy Coach
27 Session 2 Review: (T/F and notable exceptions) You cannot check the same player’s equipment twice in a game. False, this should be avoided but there is no rule preventing it. Once a time out is called, it must be marked on your card. False, head to mid-field and watch the players cross, then mark your card. A flag is thrown when an offensive team commits a technical foul. False, technical fouls on the offensive team result in turnovers. Only the official that throws a flag should yell, “Flag down! Flag down!”. False, every official on the field should repeat, “Flag down!” In-homes serve all goalie penalties. False, goalies serve their own penalties (allow a 1 minute warm-up for new goalie). C-NOTE stands for Color, Number, Offense, Time, Explanation. True, though explanations are not always necessary. Demonstrate a late hit that occurred well after a goal and the whistle. Color, Number, sead ball, Offense, Time, goal is good, Explanation.
28 Mechanics
29 Lead Trail Positioning Settled Situation
30 Coverage Around Goal in Settled Situations Lead: Has his goal as his primary responsibility. Try to stay on goal line extended (GLE) unless there is a contested play near the end line or must move to get a better angle on the play. Always return to GLE before whistling ball into play. Move in and out with ball. Be as close to the crease as possible without interfering with play. Do not allow players to get behind you. Has end line responsibility on all shots (chase shots to the end line!).
31 Coverage Around Goal in Settled Situations Trail: Watches for offsides. Watches action in his area. Reports fouls to the table. Can help with crease violations. Has most restarts. Watches the shooter & passer for a late hit. Always know shooter’s number.
32 Here are the key places you can’t go wrong on the field with two man mechanics. Key Places to Go Settled Situation Trail: On offense: (1) If the ball is in possession, go to the corner of the restraining box. (2) If the ball is loose, go to the junction of the midfield line and the sideline. Lead: On offense: (3) If the ball is loose or in possession of the offense, go to the goal line extended. (4) If there is a shot, chase it to the end line.
33 Key Places to Go Transition 5 6 When the ball is being cleared: Lead: (5) If you are the new Lead, stay at least one full zone ahead of the ball (so if the ball is in the Defensive Zone, you are at midfield; if it’s in Zone 3, you are at the top of the box, and if the ball is in Zone 4, you are on the goal line extended). Trail: (6) If you are the new Trail, stay even with the ball, whether it is loose or in possession of the clearing team.
34 Coaches Area Table Four KEY Positions Four Primary Locations
35 Transition Trail becomes Lead Lead becomes Trail Goalie makes the save Break to midline; see the ball, quick check for offsides GLE responsibility- get there! First 10 second count into attack box (Zone 4) Sprint to endline if contested shot; return to GLE at restart Move “in” and “out” (crease) Sideline responsibilities Goalie makes the save Goalie 4 second count; start the 20 second timer Stay behind the ball; you ultimately have off-sides 60 yard eyes- find the shooter Jog to the restraining line Sideline responsibilities Stay with ball if ball clears along your sideline
36 Lead Trail Previous Lead is new Trail, and previous Trail is new Lead Lead and Trail Positions Positions on a Clear from the GLE
37 Coaches Area Table Normal Transition – with Substitutions Goalie Save
38 Who Watches What? Trail T is “on” when ball is in the brown area Lead L is “on” when ball is in yellow area
39 Who Watches What? Trail T is “on” when ball is in the brown area Lead L is “on” when ball is in yellow area
40 Who Watches What? Trail T is “on” when ball is in the brown area Lead L is “on” when ball is in yellow area
41 Who Watches What? Trail T is “on” when ball is in the brown area Lead L is “on” when ball is in yellow area
42 Restarts Quick Restarts Make sure the goalie has 5 seconds to reset. Make sure all players are 5 yards away Tell the players where the ball should be and use a 5-second count. As soon as the ball is in the right place and in possession, restart for any loose-ball technical foul, any change of possession technical foul, any end line out of bounds Slower Restarts Use your 20 second timer After goals After reporting time-serving penalties To summon players after a time-out or to start a period. Before whistle Count the field Check with partner
43 Coaches Area Table Restarts Trail blows ball into play
44 Coaches Area Table Restarts Lead blows ball into play
45 Stay Where You Are Restart – Zone 3
46 ZONE 4 20 yards lateral to Goal: always in the ALLEY Restart – Zone 4
47 Deep Restart Ball on Trail’s side Trail should stay behind ball
48 Deep Restart Ball on Lead’s Side Lead must signal when ball is ready for play Trail should stay behind ball