Health and Wellness for all Arizonans WIC In-Service Physical Activity in Children 1-5 years
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Objectives Talk about the importance and benefits of physical activity in young children Discuss physical activity recommendations for children 1-5 years old Understand the role of WIC clinics and staff in promoting physical activity in children Assess and address physical activity needs of WIC children Demonstrate and share tips and activities that promote physical activity in children
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Let’s Move!
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Key Terms Physical Activity
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Key Terms Moderate physical activity Vigorous physical activity
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Key Terms Structured or “Adult-led” physical activity Unstructured or “Free-play” physical activity
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Key Terms Sedentary Activity Screen Time
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Why is physical activity important for children 1 – 5 years old? Importance of Physical Activity in Young Children
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Importance of Physical Activity in Young Children Regular physical activity helps to: Reduce the likelihood of developing obesity and risk factors for disease Build strong bones and muscles Promote flexibility, coordination and motor skills Improve sleep Reduce anxiety and depression Improve academic performance Increase concentration and attention Improve discipline and behavior
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Sedentary Activity and Screen Time: – Too much screen time interferes with other activities important for child health and development Importance of Physical Activity in Young Children
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Importance of Physical Activity in Young Children Amount of screen time is connected to: – Decreased physical activity levels – Increased obesity – Irregular sleep patterns – Delayed language development – Shorter attention spans – Increased aggression If screen time use is limited, the content is age-appropriate, and parents or caregivers are involved, children can learn from these experiences
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Let’s Move!
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Physical Activity Recommendations Toddlers (1-2 years) 30 minutes of structured 60 minutes of unstructured Moderate & Vigorous Preschoolers (3-5 years) 60 minutes of structured 60 minutes of unstructured Moderate & Vigorous *National Association for Sport and Physical Education At least 60 minutes every day
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans 1.Learning motor skills & exploring 2.Music & dancing 3.Push-pull, climbing activities 4.Riding toys 5.Introduction to team sports 6.Chase games 7.Mastering motor skills 8.Follow along songs 9.Household chores (set table, garden, pick up toys, cleaning) 10.Crawling, walking, running 11.Riding toys (tricycle, pedaling) 12.Creative Play, obstacle courses 13.Throwing, kicking, jumping 14.Blocks, Building 15.Push-pull activities (wagon, etc.) 16.Running games (freeze tag, etc.) 17.Variety of ball size and weights 18.Exploring outdoor & indoor areas 19.Large, inflatable balls Age-Appropriate Physical Activities Toddler or Preschooler? (1-2 years) (3-5 years) Physical Activity Recommendations
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Toddlers (1-2 years) 1.Learning motor skills & exploring 10.Crawling, walking, running 13.Throwing, kicking, jumping 2.Music & dancing 18.Exploring outdoor & indoor areas 3.Push-pull, climbing activities 4.Riding toys 6.Chase games 19.Large, inflatable balls 8.Follow along songs Preschoolers (3-5 years) 7.Mastering motor skills 5.Introduction to team sports 11.Riding toys (tricycle, pedaling) 12.Creative Play, obstacle courses 14.Blocks, Building 15.Push-pull activities (wagon, etc.) 16.Running games (freeze tag, etc.) 17.Variety of ball size and weights 9.Household chores (set table, garden, pick up toys, cleaning) Age-Appropriate Physical Activities Physical Activity Recommendations
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Physical Activity Recommendations Sedentary Activity & Screen Time Less than 2 Years 2 Years and up No Screen timeLess than 2 hours < 1 hour of sedentary activity at a time Limit time in confining equipment
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans What barriers make it challenging for WIC families to limit screen time in young children? What barriers make it challenging for WIC families to help their children be active everyday? Physical Activity Recommendations
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Physical Activity in WIC How can WIC staff help: Assess physical activity needs and interests Identify barriers and solutions Provide education, tips and resources
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Physical Activity in WIC When completing your WIC assessment: – Ask: “What does your child like to do for physical activity?” “Tell me about the kinds of physical activities your family does together?” “How do you feel about the amount of time your child spends being physically active every day?” “What makes it difficult for your child/family to be active”? When during the assessment do you suggest these questions be discussed?
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans When completing your WIC assessment: – Assess: Activity levels & total daily screen time – Opportunities for physical activity: time, type and intensity – Screen time behaviors – Safety – Educate: Recommended activity levels & total daily screen time Tips and resources to helps children be active Physical Activity in WIC
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Physical Activity in WIC Case Study: A WIC client who has a 2 and 4 year old child enrolled in the program. The client is at home most of the day with the children, but says she is busy cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry and has very little time to play with her children. Also, she says she has a hard time coming up with ideas for physical activities that will keep both of her children entertained; they do not have a car to go anywhere, and they can’t afford to buy a lot of new toys or games.
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Physical Activity in WIC Considerations & Tips for Physical Activity – Plan ahead – Incorporate physical activity throughout the day – Short intervals of physical activity (3, 5, or 10 minutes) – Outdoor play – Active toys – Give all children opportunities to be active – Parents as role models – Low- and no-cost activities – Have fun! – Child care that offers physical activity opportunities – Offer praise and encouragement – Do not use physical activity as punishment – Safety and supervision – Always affirm parents – Have fun!
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Consideration & Tips for Physical Activity – Discuss physical activity needs with client often – Be prepared to model activities when both client and child present – Become familiar with local physical activity opportunities offered at low- or no-cost Physical Activity in WIC Clinics
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Case Study: A WIC client who has a 4 year old child enrolled in the program. The client is in school and working part-time, and spends a lot of her time when she is home doing school work. She says the her child watches a lot of TV during this time, but she doesn’t know what else to do. The client would like her child to spend more time playing and being active than watching TV. Physical Activity in WIC
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Physical Activity in WIC Considerations & Tips for Screen Time – Keep screens out-of-site – Remove screens from children’s bedrooms – Turn televisions off when not in use – Stock rooms with screens with other non-screen activities (books, toys, puzzle, etc.) – Replace screen time with other activities – Make sedentary time active – Plan for challenging times – No screen time during meals and snacks – Set limits, rules, and schedules – Do not use screens as a punishment or reward – Parents as role models – Age-appropriate, quality programming
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Choosing age-appropriate, quality screen time – Choose interactive programs – Ask questions, point out new words, letters, concepts – Choose programs that reflect real-life experiences – Avoid fast-paced programs – Check ratings and preview programs Physical Activity in WIC For more information, or for help choosing age-appropriate and educational media programs for children, visit
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Role Play: A.A WIC client who has a 4 and 3 year old child enrolled in the program. The client works full-time and both children attend the same child care program. She says she has no time to play with her children after work to help them be physically active every day. It is already dark outside when she comes home, so they just stay inside and watch television while she makes dinner and does other household chores. B.A WIC client who has a 3 year old child enrolled in the program. The client is interested in planning more physical activities for the child during the day, but doesn't not know what kinds of activities she should do. She does not feel comfortable playing outside with her child in there neighborhood, but has access to a car. Physical Activity in WIC
Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Additional Resources Nemours Best Practices for Physical Activity eventive/nhps/paguide2010.pdf eventive/nhps/paguide2010.pdf Kids Health: Staying Fit Get Moving Today Activity Calendar arFULL.pdf arFULL.pdf Screen Time Tracking Chart time-log.pdf time-log.pdf Common Sense Media Healthy Kids Healthy Future: A Letter to Families about Screen Time content/uploads/2015/02/CCAscreentime.pdf content/uploads/2015/02/CCAscreentime.pdf