Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD) Jess Hershman
Disturbed or disturbing? What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear emotionally or behaviorally disturbed?
(Hallahan and Kauffman, 2009, Pg 265) Varied Terminology (Hallahan and Kauffman, 2009, Pg 265)
Federal Definition Emotionally Disturbed as defined by IDEA: “i. The term means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked extent, which adversely affects educational performance: A. An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors; B. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory relationships with peers and teachers; C. Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances D. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; or E. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associate with personal or school problems. ii. The term includes children who are schizophrenic. The term does not include children who are socially maladjusted unless its determined that they are emotionally disturbed.” (Hallahan and Kauffman, 2009, Pg 266)
Alternate Definition “i. The term emotional or behavioral disorder means a disability characterized by behavioral or emotional responses in school so different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms that they adversely affect educational performance. Educational performance includes academic, social, vocational, and personal skills. Such a disability: A. is more than a temporary, expected response to stressful events in the environment; B. is consistently exhibited in two different settings, at least one of which is school-related; and C. is unresponsive to direct intervention in general education, or the child’s condition is such that general education interventions would be insufficient ii. Emotional and behavioral disorder can co-exist with other disabilities iii. This category may include children or youths with schizophrenic disorders, affective disorder, anxiety disorder, or other sustained disorders of conduct or adjustment when they adversely affect educational performance in accordance with section (i).” (Hallahan and Kauffman, 2009, Pg 267)
How prevalent are emotional and behavioral disorders? According to Kauffman and Landrum, at least 6 to 10 percent of school aged youth exhibit emotional/behavioral problems But… the US Department of Education reported in 2005 that less than 1 percent of schoolchildren are identified as EBD for special education purposes
4 Major Causes: Biological Family relationships School Negative cultural influences
Characteristics and Manifestations Please keep in mind that it is extremely difficult to describe because of the varied range of disorders Intelligence Externalizing behaviors Internalizing behaviors Social Skills
How are they identified? Teachers play the most important role in identifying emotional or behavior disorders More difficult to detect in younger children Video-- Services
How do we meet the needs of these children? Balanced learning environments Integrated services Continuum of placements FBA and PBS Progress monitoring
Students with EBD typically: exhibit high dropout rates and low graduation rates have other disabilities disproportionately represent ethnic minorities are placed in highly restrictive environments have encountered justice system
Transition to Adulthood Transition tends to be difficult Many grow up to be adults who have trouble leading independent and productive lives There are some examples of relatively successful high school and transition programs
References Felkowski, Brandi, 2009 January 20. SED367 Behavior and Classroom Management Service Learning Project Reflection. Retrieved from http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8774243852223909172&ei=qeDCSsXRC5PaqwKmy7nfBg&q=Emotional+and+Behavioral+Disorder&hl=en&client=firefox-a# Hallahan, D.P., Kauffman, J.M. & Pullen, P.C., (2009). Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special Education (11th Ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon Tennessee Voices for Children, 2009 July 7. Heroes of Hope. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EjHQuue48o