1.English Centers
Period 3/4 and 5/6 Center 1 Table 1, 2, Center 2 Table 3 & 4 Center 3 Table 5 & 7 Center 4 Table 6 STARTING CENTERS
Grammar Warm Up Complete Grammar Warm up in Center 1. Please me your finished grammar warm up. Follow all directions. You will have 20 minutes to complete Center 1 What is not finished will become homework ENGLISH CENTER 1
Vocabulary Word Art Choose a word from the Literary Elements list or the Fiction Vocabulary list. Please write the word large in the center with the definition. Lastly, decorate the word art with a lot of color and images that relate to the vocabulary word. ENGLISH CENTER 2 Fiction Resolution Conflict
Compare and Contrasting Nonfiction and Fiction Compare and Contrast “Why Monkeys Live in Trees” and “The Case of the Monkeys.” Practice using Complete Sentences. You will have 20 minutes to complete Center 3 ENGLISH CENTER 3
Introduction to the new story we are about to read, “The Greyling.” Please place “The Greyling” new vocabulary list into your Flashlet Application. If you finish early, please quiz yourself on the new words. You will have 20 minutes to complete Center 4 CENTER 4
Vocabulary Sentences Create 8 vocabulary sentences from the list of Literary Terms. Create your own sentences. They must be 8 complete sentences. You may use your iPad to check spelling and grammar techniques. CENTER 5: PERIOD 7/8 ONLY
Conversation = 1 Help = Ask three before you ask me, then raise hand. Activity = English Centers Movement = Seated in Centers until told to stand up, push in your chairs and rotate to the right to the next center. Participation = Effort and Participation grade. S = Success! CHAMPS FOR CENTERS
Keep in mind the classroom rules. If at any moment someone is too loud or off topic, I may ask you to finish all of the centers individually before class is over. Follow Champs accordingly. iPad use is for English during this time. No science homework, no Google Earth, no Math games ANY QUESTIONS BEFORE WE BEGIN? Classroom Rules C = 1 Appropriate iPad use