353 days per year That's how many days of each year there are outside of the Stated Meetings We want AIPLA members to be involved, and to feel involved, every day of the year, not just at Stated Meetings What can we do?
Getting members involved during the other 353 days of each year? One thing that we can do is to make use of our Committee discussion groups This Committee listservs can help members feel that they are part of a community every day of the year
Which Committees make use of their listservs? CommitteeRecent postingsprevious ranking New Lawyers501 Standards and Open Source422 Trade Secret Law3614 Women in IP Law2615 Patent Law243 Trademark Internet23 Corporate Practice216 The top two are unchanged from a year ago: New Lawyers Standards and Open Source
Which Committees make use of their listservs? CommitteeRecent postingsPrevious ranking Antitrust1916 Industrial Designs188 Copyright1610 PCT Issues1318 Biotechnology125 IP Practice in Japan119 The Committees in the top-ranking group are mostly the same as a year ago. A newcomer to this top ranking is Trademark Internet.
Which Committees make use of their listservs? Eighteen Committees used their listservs fewer than ten times in during this recent period Over twenty Committees did not use their listservs even once
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