Feb SCV Spamming your way to High Meeting Attendance The IEEE Majordomo Server and more. Jonathan David
Feb’2002 SCV training Guidelines u Unwanted messages get ignored. o WE ALL hate spam. Keep it in mind. u IEEE Policy is o No Advertising o No Electioneering for IEEE or Government. u If you want employers to let your members get your messages – o NO Job Advertisements/ recruiters. Direct folks to the IEEE services available. u Plain Text is Universal.
Feb’2002 SCV training SSC usage u 1 when Doug gets the Grid announcement. u 1 7 days before the meeting with this month and Nexts u 1 reminder 1 day before the meeting. u 1/year get full membership list and invite to join chapter list & attend event.
Feb’2002 SCV training Services Available u Majordomo o IEEE pays = FREE o No advertisements. o Announcements or o Simple Discussion List u Aliases o Free to members o Transportable o Attachment virus chk o Forwards to 1 address u Yahoogroups o Ad supported o Group Calendar o File sharing area o Electronic Voting o Good for Officer lists, RSVP lists. u Evite o Ad supported, o Tracks & manages RSVPS
Feb’2002 SCV training What is Majordomo u Majordomo is a program which automates the management of Internet mailing lists. o Commands are sent to Majordomo via electronic mail to handle all aspects of list maintainance. o Once a list is set up, virtually all operations can be performed remotely, requiring no intervention upon the postmaster of the list site. u Majordomo controls a list of addresses for some mail transport system (like sendmail) to handle. Majordomo itself performs no mail delivery.
Feb’2002 SCV training Web Resources u u u Announcement Lists: o -chapt-scv ie u RSVP list: u u u o demo1/ownerdoc.html demo1/ownerdoc.html o demo1/whatis.html demo1/whatis.html o -netiquette.shtml