DO NOW Create a “family tree.” Under each family member, indicate where they were born. The left side of the tree will be your father’s side and the right will be your mother’s. Journal 10
Not Pictured: Fred Gaffey Florida Connecticut New York Canada
WRITE THIS DOWN! Missed a class? This page is your source for notes and handouts.
“Though the world is recognizing the inauguration of the first African-American president, the story is a more complex narrative, about immigration, social mobility and the desegregation of one of the last divided institutions in American life: the family. It is a tale of self-determination, full of refusals to follow the tracks laid by history or religion or parentage.”
Say Wha?! What does that quote mean? What "complex narratives" does your family tell? Are their ways in which your family is "segregated" or "desegregated?" Why? In what ways has your immediate family followed or refused to follow "the tracks laid by history or religion or parentage?" In what ways do you plan to follow or refuse to follow these tracks in the future?
Nation’s Many Faces in Extended First Family We will read the article together as a class After we read you will split into groups to answer the 4 Guided Questions Discuss
Vocabulary Work with your group to define each of the terms listed. Use context clues from the article to help you write a definition. Then, create a sentence that uses the vocabulary word appropriately.
Independent Practice Complete the “Family Matters” worksheet independently. How do you feel your own life fits into the greater narrative of your family history?