DNA = - deoxyribonucleic acid - The genetic material that is located in the nucleus of a cell. - It contains a code for proteins.
Chromosome = - an organized structure (or body) made up of twisted up DNA - "Chroma" means color - "Some" means body
Where have you heard of genes before? What do genes have to do with DNA? Gene = Segments of DNA that control the production of protein
DNA and Chromosomes Entrance Ticket Grade: «grade» Subject: «subject» Date: «date»
1Which part of the cell contains DNA? A Vacuole B Ribosome C Cell Membrane D Nucleus
2The genetic material that contains a code for proteins is called... A RNA B DNA C Chromosome D Gene
3When DNA wraps very tightly around itself, it forms a structure called a(n)... A Gene B Protein C Amino Acid D Chromosome
4DNA within chromosomes are arranged in segments called... A Genes B Proteins C Sister Chromatids D Amino Acids
Strawberry DNA Extraction Lab
DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid "Blueprint of Life" Guides the construction and development of living organisms
Isolate and extract DNA: 1. Put cells into special "lysis" solution. 2. Break cells open (mechanically or chemically). 3. The ingredients in the lysis solution remove other parts of the cell away from the DNA. 4. Filter out extra cell parts. 5. Add isopropyl alcohol to precipitate DNA out of a solution
Lysis Solution Salt - Na + has a charge, so does DNA. The DNA and the salt are attracted to each other and the salt forms a "shield" around the DNA and helps it clump together.
Lysis Solution Soap - dishwashing detergent is good at dissolving grease (which is nonpolar). Like grease, the nonpolar cellular membranes are dissolved.
·Soft, easy to pulverize ·Already have enzymes inside of them breaking down cell walls ·Freezing also breaks down cell walls ·Strawberries have lots of DNA! Why are we using strawberries?
Procedure 1. Place 1-3 strawberries into a Ziplock Baggie. Zip closed, gently mash. 2. Add 10 mL of the lysis buffer to the baggie, zip again and mash until it looks like strawberry jam. NOTE: This solution has soap in it. Do not eat.
Procedure 3. Filter the strawberry goo into a beaker using the coffee filter. You may have to squeeze the juice through (shown below). 4. Pour the filtered solution into a test tube, filling it about halfway.
Procedure 5. Gently add about 10 mL of chilled isopropyl alcohol to the test tube. Let it sit for a few minutes until you can see 2 distinct "layers." 6. The white "threads" that you see forming are strawberry DNA! Wind them up on a wooden stick and place on black construction paper to get a better look.
To Do List for Today: ·Form groups of 3 ·Decide the "jobs" that each person will have - supply collector, observation recorder, strawberry masher, filterer, etc. ·Read procedure and decide what materials your group will need ·Have teacher initial this work for points! ·Keep packet in your folder for tomorrow.