Do-NOW!! Strawberries are not diploid, they are octoploid. Why might this make it easier for us to see strawberry DNA than human DNA? After reading the procedure, identify the role of soap, salt, and strawberry “mushing” in the experiment. To refresh your memory, describe the structure of a DNA molecule.
Lab Procedure: DNA Extraction from Strawberries Safety: 1) Careful with all glassware 2) Safety glasses?
Procedures (continued) Answer pre-lab questions BEFORE beginning lab Changes to Materials Section: 1) coffee filter (not cheesecloth) 2) pipette (not glass rod) 3) teacher will provide small amount of ethanol (not 20 mL)
Procedure Mush strawberry in ziploc bag Add 10 mL of extraction buffer Mush again Filter strawberry slush through coffee filter The teacher will pour cold ethanol into the test tube Make observations! Dip pipette into liquid and observe what happens
Set-Up and Clean-Up Where should I get my materials? How should I clean up? What should I do afterwards?