DO NOW: What was happening in the 15 th -17 th centuries in Europe? (1400s-1600s) What do you think the word absolutism means? How do you think it relates to governments or rulers? What do you think a good presenter looks and sounds like while sharing information?
First Expansion & Then Crisis Economic expansion during the Renaissance & Reformation Agriculture production of goods Trade Development of banking More GLOBAL economy Age of Crisis in 1600s Economic depression Decline of Mediterranean powers like Italy & Greece Thirty Years’ War “little ice age” devastated agriculture Serfdoms continue in some areas
State Building Amidst depression, monarchs were able to grow their power over the people and create “states” (new nations) Greater taxation Growth in armed forces Built larger and more efficient system of government with monarchs at head Built the ability to force obedience from subjects Created ABSOLUTISM! (and constitutionalism!)
Absolutism & Constitutionalism Absolutism = a system of government in which the ruler claims sole and uncontestable power Monarchies – Spain, France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Ottoman Empire Constitutionalism = a system of government in which rulers share power with parliaments made up of elected officials Monarchies – England and Dutch Republic
Lesson on Roman Numerals!! I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1,000 Any combination of these Roman letters equals a specific number. II = 2 III = 3 IV = 4 (5-1=4) VIII = 8 IX = 9 (10-1=9) XLIX = 49 (50-10, + 9) What is XV? XIV? XXVIII? What is the Roman numeral for 63? What about 44? What about 2013? What about 1999?!?!?
General Terms to Know Divine Right = the doctrine that a monarch derives his or her power directly from God Mercantilism = Economic doctrine that governments must intervene to increase national wealth and be self-sufficient by whatever means possible Bureaucracy = a network of state officials carrying out orders according to a line of authority
Basic Information about Spain Famous Monarchs King Ferdinand & Queen Isabel King Charles I Phillip II Key Events & Terms Spanish Inquisition = Persecution of Jews & Muslims to maintain Catholicism Spanish Armada = the mighty Spanish Navy Moors = Muslims in the Middle Ages in Northern Africa
Basic Information about France Famous Monarchs (and their advisors!) Henry IV (Of Navarre) Louis XIII Cardinal Richelieu Louis XIV Mazarin Key Events & Terms Edict of Nantes Louis XIV as the Sun King “L’etat c’est moi” = I am the state. The Fronde = a series of revolts against the crown Versailles
Basic Information about Austria Famous Monarchs Hapsburg Monarchy (family) Ferdinand II Ferdinand III Leopold I Maria Theresa (last monarch of Hapsburgs and only female) Key Events & Terms Holy Roman Empire Reformation Thirty Years War
Basic Information about Prussia (Germany) Famous Monarchs Hohenzollern Monarchy Frederick I Frederick William I Frederick the Great/Frederick II Key Events & Terms Thirty Years War Junkers = landed aristocracy Silesian Wars Military might!
Basic Information about Russia Famous Tsars & Emperors Ivan III (the Great) Ivan IV (the Terrible) Ivan V Peter the Great Catherine II (the Great) Key Events & Terms Tsar = king/monarch Serfdom Boyars = members of the highest feudal rank, second only to the tsars Enlightened despotism = absolute monarchs who were influenced by Enlightenment thinking (Catherine the Great)
Basic Information about England Famous Monarchs (and rulers!) Elizabeth I Charles I Oliver Cromwell Charles II James II William of Orange & Mary Don’t forget about Parliament! Key Events & Terms Puritans English Civil War Executive of Charles I Glorious Revolution