Word a Day Calendar TEKS 3.8 B 3.8 C 3.8 D. Today’s Word *


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Presentation transcript:

Word a Day Calendar TEKS 3.8 B 3.8 C 3.8 D

Today’s Word *

Word Actual Definition

Today’s Word *

Word Actual Definition

Today’s Word *

Word Actual Definition

Today’s Word *

Word Actual Definition

Today’s Word *

Word Actual Definition

Directions 1.Erase “Today’s Word” and type in a word that ties into your science, social studies or reading text. 2.On the definition slide, have students make 3 predictions about what they think the definition of the word is. Discuss how they came to their conclusion (this is especially important when discussing prefixes, suffixes and root words.) 3.On the “Actual Definition” slide, have students look up the word and type in the correct definition. Use a variety of sources to find the definition. 4.Choose a word for each day. Have students do this each morning. 5.Each Monday as the students come in to the class have the slideshow from the previous week running on your multimedia computer. The slideshow is set to only display the word and the correct definition. This can be a morning review activity. Adapted from Seeing With New Eyes by NREL