DIFFERENTIATION A straight forward guide
Define the term Differentiation- The action or process of differentiating.
Differentiation- Root word differ different, not the exact same, a variation, a change modification a subtle change from the simple to the complex
Differentiate, differ, variation So to differentiate is to modify. provide instruction in more than one learning style (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic/Tactile) Offer activity choices (in the way students demonstrate their understanding/learning).
Why do we do this? Because...
typical classroom cognitive diversity in rural areas Low to low low Students Average Students High Students Gifted Students
Other years you get this high Students Low to low low Students Gifted Students Average Students
Different experiences, abilities, needs, background knowledge, learning style, language proficiency, and even readiness to learn skills (way up in grade levels), they’re all jewels No matter how they come to us we love them!
How does Differentiating Instruction work? Differentiated Instruction Is based upon the belief that all students learn best when curriculum… makes connections to student experiences connects to diverse interests is presented within their preferred learning style
It all begins with planning If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Words of wisdom This leads to frustration all the way around. Free learning style assessment learning-styles-online.com Note: Not recommended for lower elementary (it’s very detailed and lengthy but provides valuable insights for 4 th grade and up).
Two recommended learning style assessments Edutopia What’s your learning style? multiple-intelligences- learning-styles- quiz?utm_source=google& utm_medium=text&utm_te rm=quiz&utm_campaign= 0112quiz&gclid=CNmB6t u4wq4CFcwBRQodkXMYV A multiple-intelligences- learning-styles- quiz?utm_source=google& utm_medium=text&utm_te rm=quiz&utm_campaign= 0112quiz&gclid=CNmB6t u4wq4CFcwBRQodkXMYV A ning-styles- online.com/inven tory/ ning-styles- online.com/inven tory/ For young students (lower elementary) For upper elementary and up
What other tools can I add to my tool box for the literal planning I’ll be doing all through the year? It’s a Differentiation Documentation/planning guide Here’s how it works. You maybe asking...
You’re also thinking... And remember...I have a life out side of school!!!!
Choose one and your done K eep I t S imple S tupid I. Content/Pace : What the students are expected to learn. Depth, Pace, Kind Depth: understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation Pace: Vary rate/speed of learning/task completion Kind: Vary information learned II. Process : How the student learns Creativity—synthesis---create something that was not there before. Thinking skills; problem solving, critical thinking, inductive and deductive reasoning, logic III. Product : Outcome to be presented to an appropriate audience Choice of three products: poster, skit, poem, diagram/chart, oral report, create invention, Power Point, written report, write song lyrics, create a survey, Analyze trends and patterns, prediction, write a story, Other Audience product presented to;______________ Date Presented:______
Pace : Rate at which the student learns Vary rate/speed of learning. Task completion Kind: vary information learned
Process : How the student learns Creativity—synthesis---create something that was not there before. Thinking skills; problem solving, critical thinking, inductive (bottom up) and deductive reasoning (top down), logic A closer look at
A Closer Look At Option Learning style & Gardner's theory of multipleintelligences are clearly represented here and theoption that the student chooses will cause theirarea of strength to surface and become apparent. Product : Outcome or item created to demonstrate their learning is to be presented to an appropriate audience Limit their Choice to three or four product options (but the following list is extensive to aid in your planning): poster, skit, poem, diagram/chart, oral report, create invention, Power Point, written report, write song lyrics, create a survey, Analyze trends and patterns, prediction, write a story, Other Audience product presented to;______________ Date Presented:______
differentiated instruction Teach to the middle Everyone does the exact same thing all day every day. Learning styles are not considered Cookie cutter instruction from a cookie cutter mindset. Student abilities, interests, experiences and needs are known. Student learning style, language proficiency, background knowledge, readiness to learn are known and considered by the teacher before the lesson. Regular old school styleDifferentiated classroom
Rules of differentiation Always tailor lessons for visual, auditory and tactile learners Know your students Identify curricular areas broad enough to implement differentiated instruction. Pick one and done (don’t overwhelm yourself) Keep it simple Match the activity options to complement your lesson and your students needs/learning style
Strategies for successfully Implementing Differentiated Instruction Instruction can be differentiated based on three general areas. These include (as provided in the planning guide): The Content of instruction The process and techniques used to help make sense of a given topic The products produced by the students that demonstrate their learning.
Another must have tremendous resource for implementing differentiation This wonderful book has: differentiated activities assessments Rubrics criteria cards (with large examples) All four content areas are represented and they are all based upon Common Core State Standards. Curriculum compacting Individual lesson Plan (ILP) Tic-tack-toe student choice activity sheets and assessments Assessments-Common-Standards/dp/
We have the privilege and honor of writing upon the pages of our students life memories, so let’s be mindful to make them good ones. At the heart of teaching
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