Enhancing Instruction Through Differentiation By Donna Johnson
Session Overview What is Differentiation? Differentiation Strategies Differentiation Practice Tips for Implementing Differentiated Instructions
Objectives Participants will Gain an overview of differentiated instruction Be able to implement several differentiation strategies Identify things to consider when implementing differentiation in the classroom
What is Differentiation? How would you describe it? –What does it look like? –What does it sound like? –What does it feel like? –What does it require? –What is it not?
Why Differentiate? All kids are different One size does not fit all Differentiation provides all students with access to all curriculum
How can you Differentiate?
Comparing Traditional and Differentiated Classrooms Student Differences Use of Assessment Use of student interest and learning styles
Comparing Traditional and Differentiated Classrooms (continued) Instructional Format Assignment Options Factors guiding instruction
What are you already doing to differentiate instruction in your classroom?
Differentiation Strategies All strategies are aligned with instructional goals and objectives Specific strategy based on –Focus of Instruction –Focus of differentiation
Differentiation Strategies Group 1 - Compacting Group 2 - Independent Study Group 3 - Interest Centers/Groups Group 4 - Flexible Grouping
Examples of Differentiation Strategies Choice Boards Tiered Activities/Lessons Learning Contracts
Choice Boards Provides students with Choice Can easily modify so that students have more or less choice Each product leads has same learning outcome
Diner Menu – Photosynthesis Entrée (Select One) Draw a picture that shows what happens during photosynthesis. Write two paragraphs about what happens during photosynthesis. Create a rap that explains what happens during photosynthesis. Diner Menu – Photosynthesis Appetizer (Everyone Shares) Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis. Side Dishes (Select at Least Two) Define respiration, in writing. Compare photosynthesis to respiration using a Venn Diagram. Write a journal entry from the point of view of a green plant. With a partner, create and perform a skit that shows the differences between photosynthesis and respiration. Dessert (Optional) Create a test to assess the teacher’s knowledge of photosynthesis.
THINK-TAC-TOE Book Report Draw a picture of the main character. Perform a play that shows the conclusion of a story. Write a song about one of the main events. Write a poem about two main events in the story. Make a poster that shows the order of events in the story. Dress up as your favorite character and perform a speech telling who you are. Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the introduction to the closing. Write two paragraphs about the main character. Write two paragraphs about the setting.
Tiered Assignments Video from PD 360 illustrating concepts of adjustable and tiered assignments Social Studies Examples of lesson framework and activities/ unit projects
Assessment in the Differentiated Classroom Ongoing Instruction-dependent Student-dependent Informative for continued instruction
Tips for Implementing Differentiated Instruction: Your Classroom Start slowly. Organize your classroom space.
Tips for Implementing Differentiated Instruction: Your Classroom (continued) Start student files. Start student portfolios. Use a clipboard or other organization tool to take anecdotal notes during class. Utilize technology throughout instruction.
Parting Thoughts “That students differ may be inconvenient, but its inescapable. Adaptation to that diversity is the inevitable price of productivity, high standards, and fairness to students.” - Ted Sizer