Right click on the tomato and choose “animation” Go on scribble Right click 2 3
Draw where you want the tomato to go (not on the face)
We are now going to add a sound
Choose a sound that you like
Go to “timing” and say when you want the tomato to move using the “triggers” button, choose a wrong answer 1 2 3
Highlight the second picture to appear and put it on top of the 1 st picture Then go on the tomato and create a 2 nd motion path ( slide number 2) this time on the face
You want the tomato to move this time only when the RIGHT ANSWER has been clicked Follow the same process as slide 6, but for the trigger choose RIGHT ANSWER instead
You want the tomato to disappear at the end of the animation. Go to “effects” and choose “hide after animation”
Now you want the 2 nd picture to appear. Click on the 2 nd picture and add an animation
You need to drag the animation down…
Click on “after the previous”. Thus the pic will appear after the tomato’s animation
Highlight the squashed tomato and make it appear
You want the squashed tomato to appear at the same as the 2 nd picture