Your City’s Name here Your Name: first and last
Your City’s Name here Where did you start your city? Why did you started here? What type of power plant did you start with? Why did you place your power plant here? Add a picture of you starting point with power plant.
Your City’s Name here Where did you place your Residential zones? Why? Give an Example Add a picture of Industrial area here.
Your City’s Name here Where did you place your Commercial zones? Why? Give an Example Add a picture of Industrial area here.
Your City’s Name here Where did you place your Industrial zones? Why? Give an Example Add a picture of Industrial area here.
Your City’s Name here Did you have any Transportation problems What did you do to plan for future transportation infrastructure problems? Add a picture of transportation infrastructure within your city.
Your City’s Name here Does your city have any parks or lakes in or around it? If yes, Where did you place these recreation areas? If no, Why did you not have any recreation areas? Add a picture of a park or lake area here
Your City’s Name Did you place schools and hospitals? Why? Where did you place them? Add a picture of your schools and hospitals here
Your City’s Name Where was the highest valued land zoned for residential in your city? What made it so high in value? Where was the highest valued land zoned for commercial in your city? What made it so high in value?
Your City’s Name Did you have any problem with employment? Why? Comment on your employment trends Add a picture of a unique area in your city here.
Your City’s Name Final population Final crime % Final unemployment Final setting for tax rate (total %) Final assessed value (land value.) Add a picture of your highest land value here.
Crime Graph Comment on the crime trends in your city. Did it go up or down? Why? Complete a 25 year graph with data
Population Comment on the population trends in your city. Did it go up or down? Why? Complete a 25 year graph with data
Land value Comment on the land value trends in your city. Did it go up or down? Why? Complete a 25 year graph with data
Mayor Rating What did you do right when designing your city? What did you do wrong? What made the citizens of your city happy? What made them upset? Add Picture of Mayors House if you have one. If not, any picture of your city will be fine.
Summary What are two things you learned about civil engineering and urban planning. If you were to do this project again, what would you do differently? What would you keep the same?