Social Models of the New East European Capitalisms by Pál TAMAS [Hungarian Academy of Sciences]
Agriculture regions Industry regions Basic service regions Business service regions Capital cities Regional Clusters
Source: AMECO Database GDP per head at PPS, EU-25 countries, incl. Bulgaria and Romania
Growth of gross domestic product: Wider Europe % annual change, 2006 and forecasts
Employment and GDP growth 1995 = 100 EU-15NMS-10
Unemployment rates LFS, %, annual average Source: wiiw Database
Stylized U-shaped pattern of employment growth in NMs Employment levels Time Strong presence of sectors with declining output shares and strong productivity catching-up Increasing weight of sectors with strong output growth and lower productivity catching-up Aggregate GDP growth / catching-up and convergence in output structures (with more advanced economies)
Growth by sectors, in % p.a. NMS-7 Poland
Employment by educational categories Hungary: (Index: 1992 = 100) Poland: (Index: 1992 = 100) Czech Republic: (Index: 1993 = 100) Primary education Secondary education Tertiary education Total employment 2005
Skill shifts – between and within components in low-, medium- and high-skill sectors, Source: wiiw CZHUSISK L=low-skill sectors, M=medium-skill sectors, H=high-skill sectors High education