Here are the components of a Local Area Network
A LAN has 4 different topologies
These are some of the major technologies used to create LAN
Networks are classified based on their geographical size and the style of organization
Speed- uses a high-capacity backbone technology, such as fiber-optical links Efficiency- feature fast download & upload speeds Cost for users- affordable since the cost is shared by many people Size- typically covers an area between miles in diameter Many users- any interruptions in service affect many users Security issues- due to the large size, the network is vulnerable to hackers & viruses
SONET unlike Ethernet only uses ring topology and is a voice-centric network system SONET has forward and backward capabilities Ethernet within a MAN has flexible topologies with greater bandwidth efficiencies The Ethernet has an advantage of being cost-efficient SONET defines optical signals and a synchronous frame structure for multiplexed digital traffic All new computers come with Ethernet, and old machines can be retrofitted via USB or an Ethernet card.
Did you know, a WAN is technically just a geographically dispersed connection of LANS?
Today, even small businesses are utilizing WANs as a way of increasing their communications capabilities. WANs have existed for decades, but new technologies, services, and applications have developed over the years to dramatically increase their efficacy for business