BRAZIL Ben Holman JC Phillips Angelo Suggs
Brazilian Population The population of Brazil is 201,103,330 and this number is current as of July 1, 2010 These people live on roughly million square miles, making the population density roughly people in every square mile
Infant Birth/Death Rates Each year in Brazil, children are born for every 1000 people, making the birth rate The infant mortality rate for Brazil in 2010 was 21.86, meaning that out of every 1000 children born in 2010 died before their first birthday In 2010, the death rate was 6.35, meaning that 6.35 out of every 1000 people died. **all this information is current as of November 3, 2010**
Health Issues In Brazil, the most recent number of malnutrition is 6%, from This number has been on the rise since this poll was taken, due to the failing economy. In 2007, 15,000 people died from AIDS IN 2007, 4.4/100,000 people of deaths were from tuberculosis In 2009, 99% of births were given basic birth immunizations, such as measles
Life Expectancy In 2010, the average life expectancy was years from birth
Economy The GNP for Brazil in 2009 was approximately 10,100. Unemployed=8.1% (11/3/2009) Poverty=26% (12/31/2009) National Debt (12/31/2009) Slum Population= (29%)
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