1 An Integrity Framework for the public service Christian Vergez, Head of Division, OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate Global Forum V, Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity Against Corruption, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa, 4 April 2007
2 OECD at the centre of globalisation Addresses economic, social and environmental challenges of interdependence and globalisation Recognises “Good Governance“ as integral part of a paradigm to promote sustained economic growth and social cohesion Promoted “New Public Management” (NPM) and government reforms and also recognises its consequences Formulates standards and good practices at the international level
3 A systemic approach to corruption Identifying good practices for a sound “Integrity Framework” A combination of laws, institutions and management mechanisms to prevent corruption and promote integrity in the public service Anticipating risk areas The prevention of conflict of interest and corruption in: Public procurement Post-employment Lobbying
5 Prevention is better than cure The growing interface between public and private sectors has created grey zones and opportunities for corruption The OECD, as a forward-looking organisation, identified conflicts of interest a major emerging issue in the public sector This milestone provided a sound basis for addressing risk areas at the public private interface
6 RISK AREA 1. Public procurement
7 RISK AREA 1. Public procurement Context - The most vulnerable activity of governments - International efforts have focused only on the bidding process. This is only the tip of the iceberg.. Request for setting basic standards - Checklist for integrity at each stage of the public procurement process
8 RISK AREA 2. Post-public employment Context - Increased labour market flexibility - Majority of countries reviewed, maintained and even strengthened prohibitions to maintain trust in government - However, prohibitions are too general Request for practical tools - Manual based on good practice
9 RISK AREA 3. Lobbying Context - Only 5 out of the 30 most developed countries have already set rules on lobbying.... And even fewer have experience of long established legislation for improving transparency Request for policy guidelines - Guidelines for improving transparency and accountability in lobbying
10 Publications : - Integrity in Public Procurement: Good Practice from A to Z - Managing Conflict of Interest: Guidelines, Country Experiences and Toolkit - Public Sector Integrity: A Framework for Assessment Website: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION