Berkeley Denver Los Angeles Sacramento December 4 th, 2015 SA Tomorrow PEWG Annexation Summit Presented to: Plan Element Working Groups Presented by: Matt Prosser, Economic & Planning Systems
1 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Outline Growth Context Evaluating Annexation Plans Fiscal Impact Analysis in San Antonio Comp Plan Initial Studies Component 3 Findings Bexar County Fiscal Impact Study Overview Annexation Considerations
2 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit GROWTH IN SAN ANTONIO
3 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit San Antonio in the National Context Top 10 U.S. Cities by Total Population
4 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit San Antonio in the National Context Top 10 U.S. Cities by Growth between 2013 & 2014
5 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit San Antonio in the National Context Top 10 U.S. Cities by Land Area (Square Miles)
6 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit San Antonio in the National Context Top 10 U.S. Cities by Density (People per Square Mile)
7 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Plan Initial Studies Project Overview Understanding 430,000 new people in the metro area over the past decade 1.1 million additional people by 2040 (in Bexar County) ½ million new jobs and housing units needed by 2040 Approach Determine where the City has capacity to facilitate growth Gauge where demand for development will occur within the City Determine the ability of the City to influence where growth can go, specifically where can it encourage infill/redevelopment Estimate the fiscal cost/benefit of growth forecast and the City’s efforts to influence growth patterns
9 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Existing Annexation Purpose Promote Economic Development Facilitate Long Range Planning Foster Intergovernmental Cooperation
10 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Existing Annexation Evaluation Criteria Existing or Planned Level of Development Service Delivery Needs Protect the Public Health, Safety and Welfare Existing Intergovernmental Relations Fiscal Impact Non-Annexation Agreements
11 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS
12 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Comp Plan Initial Studies Project Scope Capacity for growth with infill emphasis Barriers to growth Component 1 Land Supply Analysis Demand for growth with activity center focus Opportunities to generate infill development Component 2 Development Demand Alignment of components 1 and 2 to generate growth forecast for MPO Growth Forecast Fiscal impact of development typologies Cost to facilitate growth within activity centers Component 3 Fiscal Impact Analysis
13 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit San Antonio Budget Framework
14 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit On-Going Revenue Note: % of total General Fund budget
15 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit On-going Expenditures
16 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Fire Department Expenditures Capital Costs Annexation triggers need for new stations Incremental capital cost increases are modest for infill development Infill = within existing fire service areas Operating Costs Engine and Ladder company demand triggered by response times and geography Travel shed based Denser development has lower cost per unit or square foot EMS companies based on volume of calls More people more calls
17 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Infrastructure Expenditures Street network is primary driver of cost Other major services (water, sewer, power, etc..) are provided by alternative funds/providers and costs generally match the fees for the service (revenue neutral) Cost per street maintenance based on per centerline mile cost factor The amount of roadway needed for new development varies by use and density
19 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Infill vs Greenfield National Case Studies Water, sewer, and roadways were identified as the most fiscally impactful Water/Sewer: 20 to 50 percent higher costs for greenfield development Roadway: 12 to 25 percent higher costs for greenfield development
20 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Initial Studies Fiscal Impact Findings Density has a major fiscal impact on new development Major costs (Streets, Fire) are fixed Greater density defrays these cost on a per unit or per square foot basis Infill development generally has a lower fiscal impact than greenfield development Annexations increase impacts due to need to expand service areas, especially fire services Considerations: Pattern of development impacts cost Services and infrastructure are not required incrementally with rate of new development
22 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Study Findings Unincorporated portion of the county grew by 90% from 2000 to 2010 San Antonio’s annexation activity decreased after passing of SB 89 in 1999, which led to an increase in development in unincorporated Bexar County County is limited in ability to generated revenue and to provide urban level services County lacks land use controls (zoning or planning) to control new development Many residents of unincorporated areas not in favor of annexation despite lack of services provided Difficult for developed areas within unincorporated portion of the County to incorporate
24 SA Tomorrow – PEWG Annexation Summit Annexation Considerations City policies impact its partners Policies shift the location of development May be a lack of alternatives Prioritizing resources is more difficult