Best Management Practices to Engage and Have A Successful Partnership With Watershed Stakeholders Using on-line Wikispaces environment as a means to document ideas, encourage deliberative process, and disseminate information
Watershed groups could use Wikis to document grant funding process and funding status, windshield surveys, watershed activities, and areas where BMPs have been implemented or could potentially be initiated. Advantages of Wiki: Easy to use, navigate, add content such as text, maps, pictures, etc Presently no cost for basic version Participants can add comments to discussion board More efficient dissemination of questions, ideas, and information than through or telephone calls Disadvantages of Wiki: Users have to “buy-in” to on-line collaborative environment Focus, goals, and objectives of watershed group might become de- railed if use of vision statements, logic models, and other planning tools are not followed or emphasized
Watershed Experiences Wiki Document the actions of stakeholders to potentially replicate for other properties and stakeholders Wiki focused on actions that minimized negative impacts to watershed health. Focus on potential actions for stakeholders and related properties Promote engagement of stakeholders that have not necessarily been approached by watershed groups or similar entities Subtle question that is poised to Wiki viewers: Can a market or social environment be created wherein stakeholders are compelled to complete BMPs voluntarily, above and beyond what is required by Code?
Watershed Leadership Academy Assignments Were Used As A Template to Success R1 Best and Worst Outcomes = Vision Statement R2 Stakeholder Involvement =What does the stakeholder have to gain from participating in watershed protection efforts? R3 On-line Resources for Developing a Watershed Inventory R4 Watershed Inventory and Analysis R5 Understanding the Planning Process R6 Setting Goals to Achieve Impact = Logic Model
What are the most common perceptions or concepts of a community held amongst stakeholders ? How do most people within the community define and interact with their community : as a geographical defined taxing entity? location where residents maintain a residence (or work) but commute to a different community to work (or return home)? and/or community where residents live and actively participate in decision processes as well as activities within their community?
Many commercial business stakeholders deriving their income from the general public wish to be viewed as part of the fabric of the community Commercial business stakeholders may use words and concepts such as trust, high quality, and reputable for marketing and promotional efforts Is it beneficial to most stakeholders to consider the watershed as an integral part of the community?
Motivations of the Stakeholder Most commercial businesses want to establish and maintain trust among their customers, to meet and be responsive to their expectations Hypothesis to prove or disprove: Customers that value and appreciate watershed protection efforts will be more likely to patronize stakeholders that have implemented watershed BMPs on their own properties when appropriate Best answered with a social survey of the customers and/or stakeholders, useful to gauge extent of their environmental knowledge and attitudes toward watershed
Surface Water Analytical Services Provided by local WWTP’s Wiki Contacted Indiana Water Environment Association or IWEA. IWEA is a professional trade organization comprised primarily of individuals working in WWTP related services. Asked laboratory committee whether watershed groups have utilized analytical services of WWTP labs. Received six s (from 42 potential members) indicating they have personally assisted with samples submitted by watershed groups. Significant cost and information benefit to watershed group from collaboration. Morale of story?: It doesn’t hurt to ask for assistance from stakeholders, some stakeholders may provide services that are unique and somewhat difficult to obtain.