Enfield CCG Engagement on Future Planning of Health Services Gail Hawksworth, Head of Communications and Engagement Presentation to EVA’s Combined AGM and Conference Wednesday 28 October 2015
About NHS Enfield CCG We are a clinically led organisation All 49 GP practices are members of Enfield CCG We commission most of the health services for Enfield i.e. hospital, community and mental health services GP practices work in 4 localities; each locality elect 2 GPs who lead the Governing Body The Governing Body consists of 8 GP elected members, NHS managers, a secondary care doctor, a nursing representative, a practice manager representative, lay members, including the Patient Participation group representive, representatives from London Borough of Enfield and the Chair of Healthwatch Enfield is a financially challenged CCG that was under its “fair shares” allocation by £33m in 2013/14, £24m in 2014/15 and £16m in 2015/16. We posted a deficit of £18.9m in 2014/15 due to increased activity at our main hospitals We have set a deficit target of £14.4m for 2015/16 Local clinicians working with local people for a healthier future
What we spent in Local clinicians working with local people for a healthier future
Voluntary and Community Stakeholder Reference Group Established following the results of the 360° Ipsos MORI Stakeholder Survey in March 2015 Worked with local authority colleagues to invite a number of voluntary groups that would cover all 9 protected characteristics of Equality Act 2010 i.e. age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief; sex; sexual orientation Initial scoping meeting held on 5 August 2015 It was agreed that attendance would be from the umbrella groups The purpose of the Group is: To provide the patient, service users and public perspective, as articulated by voluntary and community sector representatives on the development, planning, implementation and evaluation (success and challenges) of health services commissioned by Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group (Enfield CCG). Local clinicians working with local people for a healthier future
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