Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Josef Kopec, P.Eng.
First SCC Inquiry n one company 5 SCC ruptures n First Inquiry 1993 Considering current knowledge of SCC Concluded that SCC managed properly
SCC Inquiry 1996 n Two ruptures in 1995 n Evidence SCC widespread on both gas and liquid pipelines n Since failures 12 ruptures, 10 leaks n Provide a forum to share SCC knowledge n Knowledge shared around world
Inquiry Report Recommendations in 6 Key Areas n SCC management program for all pipelines n Changes to the design of pipelines n Continued research n Establishment of SCC database n Improved emergency response practices n Continued information sharing
Post-SCC Inquiry n SCC Inquiry Report n NEB SCC Liaison Group n Community visits n SCC Management Plans submitted by All NEB regulated companies & reviewed Meetings with numerous companies
NEB SCC Liaison Group n Industry Groups and Regulators n Monitor progress of implementation of recommendations n SCC research - funding n CEPA/CAPP SCC database & trending
Ongoing activities n Qualitative Risk Ranking of Companies SCC Susceptibility n SCC Management Plan Updates (1999) n Company Meetings n NEB SCC Liaison Group
Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) 2000 SCC Database Trending Report Results n note: physical inspection
Significant SCC Reported (December, 2003) Significant SCC reported to the NEB as per the requirements of Inquiry report
Plans and Priorities - SCC Integrity Issues n Continue to meet with companies n Continue to monitor incidents of SCC n Integrate SCC Management with Integrity Management Plan audits
SCC in Perspective Causes of in-service pipeline ruptures: General Corrosion Other SCC (Geotechnical landslides, etc.) Contact Damage (contact by earth moving equipment, etc.)
On-going Integrity Issues n SCC is one of many time dependent integrity concerns n On going monitoring of: ERW seam problem Corrosion - l General, Narrow Axial External Corrosion, Corrosion Fatigue Hard Spots
Management of Integrity Issues n Management system audits n Require companies to perform Engineering Assessments n Information sharing with other Regulators and Industry meetings conferences
Common Goal n NEB regulated facilities and activities are safe and perceived to be safe
Copies of SCC Inquiry Report Regulatory Support Office National Energy Board (403)