Interactive Boardmaker Marcia Obukowicz Cesa
Saving Time Use premade activities Use premade templates Make your own template Make reusable activities Don’t beat yourself Too much too fast … is too confusing
Premade activities to download
To Add Background Scenes to a board: –R click on picture on the board –Send to back or anchor to back important
Making a “my category” Take the pictures you want to add to the symbol library Put Boardmaker into “silly man” mode Go to “File” – “import” Select picture and when it comes in to the symbol making screen select “assign categories” “my categories” and name.
Symbolating a song Author: Dr. Seuss You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. You really are a heel. You're as cuddly as a cactus, You're as charming as an eel. Mr. Grinch. You're a bad banana With a greasy black peel. You're a monster, Mr. Grinch. Your heart's an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders, You've got garlic in your soul. Mr. Grinch. I wouldn't touch you, with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole. You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch. You have termites in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness Of a seasick crocodile. Mr. Grinch. Given the choice between the two of you I'd take the seasick crockodile. You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch. You're a nasty, wasty skunk. Your heart is full of unwashed socks Your soul is full of gunk. Mr. Grinch. The three words that best describe you, are, and I quote: "Stink. Stank. Stunk." You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch. You're the king of sinful sots. Your heart's a dead tomato splot With moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch. Your soul is an apalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, Mangled up in tangled up knots. You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch. With a nauseaus super-naus. You're a crooked jerky jockey And you drive a crooked horse. Mr. Grinch. You're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool sandwich With arsenic sauce. /AAAAAAAAABc/wzbm-j0Cju4/s320/grinch.pngLyrics /AAAAAAAAABc/wzbm-j0Cju4/s320/grinch.pngLyrics: Lyrics for Grinch song at
Combining text for one symbol in symbolate Hold “ALT” key Highlight text under symbol and type new combo Release “Alt”
Adding voice to symbolate Double click on symbolate box Select basic Choose how you want sound to come back: –Read it –Read and Highlight –Record the song
Playing Movies Create a button Double Click on button Select “Cool stuff” Click “Play Movie” Remember the movie works in use mode not design mode. Find a symbol to represent your movie. Create a movie in using the pictures from our group file and save it.
Interactive Board Design Considerations Activity Goals? How many boards are needed? How many buttons? Do you want buttons with text only or symbols and pictures as well? Is feed back needed?
U and D modes D mode is for Design U mode is for Use. Activities will not “play” in D mode Activities can not be changed in U mode
Beginning Design A simple talking book Make a folder called simple book template Save each Boardmaker page to it Animate with “U” and check Make a new folder copy and name Select all (ctrl a) Copy simple book template into the new folder to build the new story
Working with Moveable Buttons Example popcorn counter plus.bm2popcorn counter plus.bm2
Moveable Button Tool Add this tool to your BM toolbar –Dynamic board to –Show –Moveable button tool
Creating Moveable Buttons Click on moveable button tool Name button click ok Click and drag button to its “destination” and drop it. Enter a name for the destination You can add a speak message to the symbol when it arrives at the correct spot by assigning a speak message action to the destination
Snap Back and Clones 1) R click on the moveable button 2) Select Moveable button properties 3)Check the boxes for snap back and clone
A simple interactive board
Start at the end: Click on button then select change board in the actions
Planning board: When linking start at 1 and move up to main Main Board Start here
Tip for multiple board viewing Use tile view to look at the boards you are building for an interactive page.
Another Sample..\..\My Boards\The Mitten
Typing Boards Create a message display button which can receive text and type it from a “board” Select “Message display” from Dynamic Buttons and a message box will appear Create typing board, giving each symbols the action of typing text to the message display. Remember to space after each phrase….
Other Features to Explore Pop up windows ( Add choices without messing up the main board look) Quick Action buttons ( Board adapted on the fly) Launcher feature can launch other programs on the computer Variable buttons that can respond differently depending on…..
Online Supports Boardmaker’s new learning site (Goes live today) Downloads/ideas Yahoo User group Florida school user group exchange –Click under workshops and find Boardmaker Ax exchange
Printing Boards To decrease frustration check print set up Choose landscape or portrait Change page perimeters to match