uWuWestern Europe makes up 3% of the world’s landmass. Has a very high population density. u uNuNearly every country in Western Europe has coastline. What 3 Western European countries are the only landlocked ones? u u2u2/3 of the region’s people live in 4 nations – United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. The 5 largest cities in the region are……?
u Two main pockets of population distribution in Western Europe: u · central England, into France, north across the North European Plain u · southeastern France and Italy, along the Rhine River Valley
Religion u Religion – Catholicism dominates the southern part of Western Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal, parts of France, and also Ireland).
u Although Catholicism is found throughout the region, other Christian denominations are more common in the northern countries of Western Europe u · Only the United States and Israel have more Jews than France.
Language u 2 major groups of languages (Romance and Germanic)
Latin u Roman Empire: the first great central empire in Europe, brought Latin to western and central Europe. Even after Rome’s demise, Latin remained important because of the Catholic Church u Versions of Latin, its vernaculars,developed into French, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese – called Romance languages
Germanic Languages u Northern areas of the regions spoke Germanic languages – when the Angles and Saxons migrated to the British Isles, the Germanic languages went with
The Mutt Language u When William the Conqueror took over England in 1066, he brought the Latin-based French language with him… u gradually, the Anglo- Saxon language of the people mixed with French and became English
u Language also moved by colonialism: the extension of a nation's sovereignty over territory and people outside its own boundaries, often to facilitate economic domination over their resources, labor, and usually markets
Examples uSuSpain colonized Mexico and most of Central and South America, and the Philippines in Asia, bringing Spanish with them uEuEngland and France became bitter rivals in colonizing all over the world – North America, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, etc. u India became England’s prized colony until it gained its own independence in 1947.
u As the world’s first empires arose here, it is also the home to the first great philosophers, scholars, writers, artists, traders, and explorers of the Western World
“Although Western Europe holds a strategic geographic position, it has paid a high price for it.” u Julius Caesar crushing the Germanic tribes in 55 BCE, establishing the first empire u · The Germanic tribes ravaging Europe in toppling the Roman Empire. u · Thirty Years’ War in 1600s (fought between colonial rivals) u · Napoleon Bonaparte of France tried to take over all of Europe u · World War I and World War II in the 1900s