1 Improvement of Public Transport in Surabaya Multidisciplinary MSc Project Faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences TU Delft
2 Indonesia Population: 249 Million Dutch colony Economic growth Urbanization Weather Nature
3 Problem definition Surabaya Congestion Increasing demand for mobility Air pollution and public health Traffic safety Social inclusion
4 Research question Which public transport system for Surabaya makes the entire city more sustainable, accessible and less congested, while creating most value for money?
5 Use of Simulation OmniTRANS Intensity and capacity of roads Java Spatial Model Predicting settlement Population Employment
6 Scenario set-up Realistic scenario and two optimistic scenarios 1.Current Trend 2.Super City 3.Super City with Sustainable Conditions Scenarios CT 2030SC 2030SCSC 2030 GDP growth5%7% Employment growth1%-2%2%-3% Good governance--+ Economic centres--+ TDM--+
7 Alternatives Alternative 1: Future plans Surabaya Alternative 2: BRT ring road + grid Alternative 3: Future plans + BRT ring road
8 Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) Scores for Current Trend 2030 MCA total scores CT2030WeightBase Future plans Surabaya 2. Ring road + Grid 3. Future plans + Ring Travel time gain Speed Accessibility0.2197,000204,000237,000226,000 PT trips0.397,000176,000328,000214,000 ScenarioBase Future plans Surabaya 2. Ring road + Grid 3. Future plans + Ring CT SC SCSC GoodSufficientMediumBad
9 Impact assessment Financial evaluation Cost Revenue BRT ring road + grid Economic evaluation Traffic accidents Healthcare CO 2 emissions Value of time BRT road + grid
10 Conclusions Which public transport system for Surabaya makes the entire city more sustainable, accessible and less congested, while creating most value for money? BRT ring road + grid Best mobility performance Most value for money Future plans Surabaya Improvement for Surabaya but high investment Future plans + BRT ring road only Only feasible for the optimistic scenarios
11 Recommendations More research is needed about the implementation of the BRT system Expansion of study area towards Madura Island to the north and Waru and Juanda Airport to the south Public transport can be an effective solution, however policy change and urban planning is needed to create a larger modal shift towards PT Include different income groups in the OmniTRANS model More detailed road network in the OmniTRANS model
12 Terima kasih! Questions?