AGENDA Getting Started with Videoconferencing Why Videoconference? How can you prepare? What can you expect? PORTS as a Model Program Overview of Offerings Website Tour Videoconference Tour
So you want to participate in a videoconference? Why Videoconference? Your Thoughts Access specialistsAccess specialists Increase learningIncrease learning Engage alternate modalitiesEngage alternate modalities Novelty aspectNovelty aspect
So you want to participate in a videoconference? How can you prepare? Academic Plan when/where/how to use VCPlan when/where/how to use VC Use tools providedUse tools provided Technologic Create relationshipsCreate relationships Test EquipmentTest Equipment Logistics Classroom set upClassroom set up Day of eventDay of event
So you want to participate in a videoconference? What can you expect? Teachers Be involved/Model good behaviorBe involved/Model good behavior Act as intermediaryAct as intermediary Don’t panicDon’t panic Students Stage freight or acting outStage freight or acting out Expect the unexpectedExpect the unexpected Participation is keyParticipation is key Presenter InteractiveInteractive KnowledgeableKnowledgeable
Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students Brad Krey PORTS Overview Mission To provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation.
Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students Brad Krey PORTS Overview Growing Urban PopulationsGrowing Urban Populations Disconnect with ParksDisconnect with Parks Potential Loss of Future ConstituentsPotential Loss of Future Constituents Decreased Educational Programs in ParksDecreased Educational Programs in Parks Increase Focus on Standards and TestingIncrease Focus on Standards and Testing Increase AccountabilityIncrease Accountability Decrease in FundingDecrease in Funding Technology InitiativesTechnology Initiatives
Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students Brad Krey PORTS Overview Helps teach academic content standards based material to California’s students in a compelling manner Provides access to the resources of California State Parks that would be otherwise unavailable to most students. Protects our parks by increasing knowledge and appreciation of the their valuable resources. Web Based Units of Study Live Videoconferencing with a California State Park Delivered via K-12 High Speed Network
Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students Brad Krey Units of Study ResourcesLinks Contact and Scheduling Information PORTS Website Tour
Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students Frequently Asked Questions… What other subjects do you teach? Can my school do this? How do I schedule a program? Is it really free? Other questions…
Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students Brad Krey