Barbary (Tripolitan) Wars Jefferson refused to pay tribute U.S. marine “mosquito fleet” – Jobs for small shipbuilders 1805 treaty – U.S. paid small sum of $60,000
Expansion & War Troubles in Europe (Napoleonic Wars) Disrupt trade – conflict at sea Napoleon’s “Continental System” cut off England’s trade with the world – England countered with a blockade American neutrality – caught in middle Westward Expansion Native American conflicts during War of 1812 Notably Indiana and Florida
IMPRESSMENT “Once an Englishman, always an Englishman.” Chesapeake (American) –Leopard (British) Affair
EMBARGO OF 1807 Ended imports France and GB overwhelmingly unaffected Caused a depression and backlash from NE region (merchants) “like cutting one’s throat to cure a nosebleed” March,1809 repealed Replaced by Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 – aimed at GB & France Replaced by Macon’s Bill No. 2 – race to see who would comply first – France bit More hostility w/ GB
JAMES MADISON Jefferson did not want to run for a 3 rd term Madison: Jefferson’s Secretary of State Madison was an author of 30 of the Federalist Papers Considered the most important contributor to the Constitution Also the shortest President
CONFLICTS WEST Native Americans rely on British in NW and Canada as economic and military allies William Henry Harrison – Governor of Indiana territory (1801) Implement Jefferson’s policy: assimilate or LEAVE Native American leaders Tenskwatawa aka The Prophet – used religion to mobilize fighters Brother – Tecumseh, Chief of the Shawnees – goal unite MS river tribes to prevent white settlement Battle of Tippecanoe (1811) – Led by Harrison
Causes of the War 1.Impressment… 2.…Interference with trade 3.British provocation of Native American attacks
“WAR HAWKS” Members of the House of Rep. John C. Calhoun (SC) and Henry Clay (KY) – advocated for war with England – Henry Clay – Speaker of the House – most powerful position in HoR Pressured President Madison into declaring war: June 18, 1812
WAR OF 1812 BASICS: – Fought between America and Great Britain – Secured American independence; ended in a stalemate EVENTS LEADING: –Outrage at the impressment (conscription) of American sailors into the British navy –Frustration at British restraints on neutral trade (GB did not allow US to trade with France) –A desire for territorial expansion of the Republic
WAR OF 1812 Invasion of British holds in Canada Victories led by WHH – death of Tecumseh (fighting for Brits) Andrew Jackson – TN planter/general in state militia – Creeks in FL
BATTLE OF HORSESHOE BEND March, 1814 Andrew Jackson led militia slaughtering Creeks – men, women, children Broke the resistance on FL Led to: Jackson promotion to general in US Army Seized Spanish fort Pensacola
KEY INFO. White House burned down – Dolly Madison saved GW British invaded Fort McHenry (Maryland) Francis Scott Key – wrote poem “The Star-Spangled Banner” – not anthem until 1931 Oppositions to War Hawks in HoR – Daniel Webster (no relation to dictionary guy) – Federalist from NH Hartford Convention – Dec represented Federalist frustrations w/ Republicans and war Talk of secession Last breath for party after peace treaty reached – Federalists weak
Hartford Convention 1814 New England states threaten to secede because of the war End up only calling for amendments to increase their political power
PEACE…OUT!!! Battle of New Orleans greatest military victory for US!!! Andrew Jackson Fought AFTER treaty signed…oops. Treaty of Ghent – Belgium – Jan End of fighting…yeah that’s it – resumed “peaceful” trade relations before England fought France