Daniel 5: When the Writing’s on the Wall St Alfred’s Church 14 Nov 2010
John Martin 1820 Belshazzar’s feast
Rembrandt c.1635
Cylinder of Nabonidus circa 555 BC excavated 19 th century
Time line of later Babylonian Kings Nebuchadnezzar – reigned 605 BC to 562 BC His son Amel-Marduk reigned only two years ( BC) and was murdered in 560 BC by Neriglissar, his brother-in-law, reigned BC His son Labashi-Marduk became king when still only a boy and nine months later was murdered in a conspiracy Nabonidus was chosen as king– ruled 555 to 538 BC. Belshazzar – son of Nabonidus and co-regent (2 nd in kingdom) ruled in Babylon while Nabonidus set up a centre of worship to the moon god in Teima in Arabia and later fought the Persians.
Mene Mene Tekel Parsin Nouns for coinage or verbs? Mene – n. mina or v. numbered Tekel – n. shekel or v. weighed Parsin – n. a half mina (or Peres - singular of Parsin - is a v. meaning “divided” Paraphrase of nouns – a dollar, a dollar, 2 cents, 50 cents Daniel uses related verbs Mene relates to the verb MNH meaning “numbered” Tekel relates to the verb TKL meaning “weighed” Parsin – relates to the verb PRS meaning “divided” Verbs – numbered, numbered, weighed, divided
Who is sovereign over history? Around 710 BC Babylonian envoys visited King Hezekiah of Jerusalem who showed off his treasures and Isaiah then prophesies the defeat of Jerusalem by Babylon and the exile of Judah to Babylon - at least 100 years before it happens. Isaiah 39:1-8 and 2 Kings 20. In 605 BC (the first year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign) Jeremiah prophesies the destruction of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar and 70 years’ captivity in Babylon (in Jer 25:8-11). This is Judah’s punishment for sin not Judah’s destruction.
Who is sovereign over history? In 597 BC, Jeremiah (in Jerusalem) writes to the exiles in Babylon (Jer 29) that God promises to restore Judah when 70 years are completed for Babylon. Isaiah prophesies (in Isaiah 13) that Babylon will be destroyed by the Medes (no timing given). In Oct 539 BC Babylon falls to an alliance of Medes and Persians led by Cyrus of Persia who is or who appoints Darius the Mede as king of Babylon In 538 BC a decree of Cyrus permits Jews to return to Jerusalem. So this night in October 539 BC is the judgment of Babylon and the beginning of the end of the exile of Judah, all as prophesied. God is in charge!
Daniel Faithfully pursued an intimate relationship with God all his life Made himself available to be used all his life and expected to be used including available to use spiritual gifts – prophecy, word of wisdom Obeyed God first Trusted God
Who is sovereign over your history? We don’t know the future unless God reveals it. Are we faithful, obedient, trusting and available to serve like Daniel, no matter what our age or status is or may become?