Mission in Palestine Presenter - Joc Sanders, Nenagh Union of Parishes Church of Ireland LIMERICK AND KILLALOE DIOCESAN BOARD OF MISSION ********
Mission Projects 2015 The Diocesan Board of Mission has decided that Mission Sunday collections be divided as follows: At least 60% - to two projects in Palestine, namely the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City and Kids4Peace a project set up in response to concerns about the future of children in Israel & Palestine. Both projects are run by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. At least 20% - for Mission within your local community. This figure can be increased to 40%, especially if there are refugees from Syria/Iraq requiring assistance within your area. Parishes should send all Mission Sunday money collected to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Diocesan Board of Mission: David Frizelle, Boston Lane, Riverstown, Birr, Co. Offaly along with the name and address of the project or agency where they want their local contribution to be sent.
We are following St Paul’s example St Paul collected funds for the Jerusalem church among his newly established gentile churches (1 Cor 16: 1-4, 2 Cor 8:1-9:15, Rom:15:14-32) ‘The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ (2 Cor 9:6-7)
Demographics of Israel & Palestine IsraelWest BankGaza Jews5.9M75%0.4M13%-- Muslims1.4M17%2.3M82.5%1.8M98.5% Christians0.15M2%0.05M1.75%0.01M0.7% Most Christians and Muslims are Arabs and self-identify as Palestinians Christians are divided between many traditions: Eastern & Oriental Orthodox, Western & Eastern rite Catholics, with just 7,000 Anglicans
The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
Al Ahli Hospital is in Gaza – a desperate place
Al Ahli Hospital Gaza Run by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Mission: to serve all who seek treatment, without regard to religious or ethnic community, irrespective of social class, gender or political affiliation 80 beds Departments: General Surgery, Internal medicine, Emergency & Ambulances, Orthopedics, ENT, Gynecology, etc. Monthly statistics: 3500 outpatient visits, 400 inpatients, 300 surgeries, 2800 lab tests, 608 radiology exams
A Grassroots Interfaith Youth Movement initiated and sponsored by St. Georges Cathedral Jerusalem since 2001 supported by chapters in the US and Canada focus on the shared values of love of God and neighbour, evident through all the Abrahamic faiths gives Christian, Moslem and Jewish children and their families an opportunity to have dialogue and better understand each other
Despite the current tension, with violence unabated, Kids4Peace fall session began as scheduled on 22 October More than 100 grinning kids and 50 of their parents gathered in Jerusalem for an evening of music, dance and tough dialogue. Kids4Peace leader and Episcopal priest Fr Josh Thomas says, “Everyone says similar things. Kids4Peace provides a place to be honest, to share, to disagree. In the end, they come and see again, yes, there is an alternative.”