What did the Liberal Government do to help the elderly? Matt Sharkey Sarosh Afroz
The Pensions Act (1908) This gave the elderly weekly pensions from government funds. The promise to introduce pensions was in 1908 budget. It became the law the following year.
The Pensions Act (1908) Everyone over the age of 70 was eligible for a state pension. A single person received 5s a week and a married couple 7s 6d (later increased to 10s)
Did the reform help all poor people? Only half a million elderly people qualified for state old age pension. They were only for people who: Were over 70 Had an income of below £21 a year…
… Were British citizens who had been living in Britain for more than 20 years Had not been in prison during ten years before claiming pension. Had not “habitually failed to work according to their ability, opportunity and needs”